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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Maintenance and repair of the car is on the LLC &Otabeksupertrans& (LLC &Zhizzahavtotransservis&)

Реферат Maintenance and repair of the car is on the LLC &Otabeksupertrans& (LLC &Zhizzahavtotransservis&)

oduction facilities run with a slope of not more than 5%. They do not have thresholds, stairs, ledges. Floors in rooms steady and level, are coated with a smooth, non-slip surface, easy to clean.revive the ambient air space for car repairs and general exchange organized by local supply and exhaust ventilation. Exhaust system for vehicles using local pumps.repair shops use of natural, artificial and combined lighting. The lighting in the repair shops satisfies requirements and meets the specifics of the work.sound pressure levels at the workplace locksmiths repair vehicles comply with the requirements, to reduce noise and vibration using various devices (fencing, hanging sound absorbers, silencers, soundproof booths and screens, etc.). for car repairs are very dangerous to fire on, so they are isolated from the parking lot. The premises are provided fire stands. On the stands are the main means of fire (fire extinguishers and tools). Placed boxes with sand or soil.Body section to ensure safe and harmless working maintenance workers, reducing the complexity, improve the quality of implementation of the bodywork of buses conducted in specially equipped positions equipped with electro-mechanical lifts that after lifting the vehicle mounted with special stoppers, various devices, devices, instruments and equipment. Car on the lift to be installed at an angle.prevent electric shock defeat working lifts grounded. Maintenance workers to work from below used car individual lighting 220, which are equipped with the necessary safety features. Removing units and parts associated with significant physical stresses inconveniences produced using pullers. Units filled with liquids, previously freed from them, and only after that is removed from the vehicle. Lightweight parts and aggregates are transferred manually, heavy machines weighing more than 20 kg removed from devices and transported on mobile carts., Fuel pump, remove the exhaust pipe when the engine is cold. Maintenance workers should enjoy a serviceable tool and equipment, as cars drive the positions of body work its course, body section is provided with a mechanical exhaust ventilation.jobs in body site kept clean, not cluttered with items, equipment, fixtures. In the workplace, car repair mechanic has the necessary equipment, fixtures and tools. All equipment and tools, spare parts and tools are located in close proximity within the reach.

5.2 Heating Safety in the workplace when the body work

Creating a safe and healthy working conditions at each workplace is the main task administration enterprises. Administration is obliged to comply with labor laws, standards, rules and regulations on labor protection, to carry out activities on safety and occupational health.car must possess safe methods to perform basic plumbing operations, rational selection of the necessary tools and appropriate equipment, to be able to use mechanisms, strictly follow the rules and safety requirements, correct use protection when performing certain operations.repair work allowed a person not less than 16 years, and to perform work related to the use of leaded gasoline and repairs batteries, be at least 18 years that have passed a medical examination, shall be adequately trained and trained in safe methods and techniques work directly on the location. When performing manufacturing operations work required to apply safe work practices, train students in these methods, to monitor the implementation of the requirements of labor safety instructions.operation must be careful not to get distracted and not distract others, to prevent the workplace parties unrelated to work. If faulty equipment or tool, you can not work. About noticed shortcomings and faults in the workplace must immediately inform the master and to eliminate them to work not to proceed.in the shop, the worker must:

When driving on the shop floor use only established passages and transitions;

Pay attention to the signal sent from lifting cranes and a moving vehicle;

Do not enter without permission for fencing dangerous places;

Not to cling to a moving vehicle;

Do not touch moving parts and their parts, do not touch the electrical parts, electrical wires (even isolated), cables, bus bars, terminals, lighting patrons, not to step on the floor lying on portable electric wire.

5.3 Analysis of harmful and dangerous production factors in body section

Working conditions at the MC - a collection of industrial environmental factors affecting health and human performance in the labor process. These factors are different in nature, forms, manifestations, nature effects on humans. Among them are a special group of dangerous and harmful production fac...

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