rmalВ» result the proportional increase of wages is made. This form of payment of work assumes presence of the well organized work, the speed of which performance depends on the worker . The price-work payment of such kinds of activity now is widely used. As the price-work payment of work results in increase of earnings, she (it), despite of possible (probable) negative effect as В»pressure of resultВ», is positively estimated by the workers. The employers, in turn, see in it (her), besides rendered on the workers of influence, also that advantage, that the constant size of the charges on the salary in expenses for a unit of production facilitates the control of expenses.definition of size of wages the key role is played by (with) an establishment of В«normalВ» result, ie В«normalВ» productivity of work. With this purpose two groups of methods are applied:
* Definition of scheduled temporary parameters on the basis of given of metric area on a workplace and their possible (probable) correction depending on a degree (productivity of work), appreciated for the certain interval of time: if the productivity of work at exceeds average meaning (importance), the measured time is multiplied on size more unit to receive longer scheduled time for performance of work, and on the contrary (so-called В«a method RЕFAВ»); of normative parameters on the basis beforehand of given time (for example, В«a method МТМВ»). The quality of definition of scheduled time of performance of works depends on a choice of methods of payment of work. At many enterprises there are specialized departments on study of working hours, which are engaged in a most careful image by questions of industrial time as bases for account of wages, industrial planning, preliminary accounting of industrial expenses and their subsequent accounting for the control.of price-work wages is used in assembly and industrial divisions, while at works on repair of machines and maintenance service of installations of interrelation can be so, that it does not allow her (it) to apply.reasons can, for example to consist in the following: accounting frequently can be made only after a closing - up, as only then it is possible to the full to reveal volume of the eliminated damages; performance of accounting can be connected to additional expenses of work; peace settlement of disputes and disagreements between the employees and sometimes it is necessary to involve (attract) the foremen (so-called В«auditorsВ»); is sometimes complex (sometimes difficult) to put into practice the technical changes conducting to simplification of working process and decrease (reduction) sizes of given time of performance of works, because of resistance of advice (council) of the workers of the enterprise and separate groups of the employees.bonus payment of work from many points of view is more widely applicable (applied), than price-work wages. She (it) is to the same extent intended for encour...