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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Types of political regimes and their characteristics

Реферат Types of political regimes and their characteristics

tual and potential centers of opposition patronage of associations by the executive in exchange for public support of their latest , preserve some autonomy political society, the lack of direct restrictions on civil liberties. Almost all of the inherent characteristics and Ukrainian political regime. Popularly elected president at its discretion is delegated his authority, which leads to the transformation of Ukrainian voters until the next election to the passive audience. And since the state have been an attempt to influence the political competition from the government, the political regime in Ukraine becomes semi-competitive content [10, p. 614]. Available in Ukraine, freedom of speech (which lately has repeatedly mentioned international organizations), the tendency to increase the powers of the President, clientelistic voting patterns and the exercise of power, ignoring criticism from the opposition or civil society institutions. In general, these signs are not complete characteristics of an authoritarian regime, so we are talking about authoritarian syndrome in Ukraine.compound constitutional signs Ukrainian political regime is mixed by type for combining majoritarian and proportional electoral system with a presidential form of government. This attempt at combining the characteristics of political regimes in Ukraine is not a guarantee of stability, however, it leads to constant conflict between the branches of government. As you know, during the presidential reign of the government appointed by the president rather than parliament, so in parties that have achieved parliamentary representation, there is little incentive for building coalitions in support of government policy. But the president, as chief executive, can not manage effectively without the support of Parliament. In turn, the parliament is not responsible for the activities of the government. Hence the conflict. Trying to put in Ukraine proportional representation of political parties was due Regards to create an effective parliament, like the European systems. But its combination with a presidential form of government does not allow to reach a consensus in the political process [9, p. 42]. The political regime in Ukraine can be defined as a semi-electoral regime with delegating semi-competitive characteristics and type of electoral competition. It combines elements of majoritarian and proportional electoral systems that are mixed in type and non-consensual content. And it is an essential characteristic of authoritarian syndrome.to the theory A. Leypharta, the best political regime in Ukraine, if it is, of course, wants to be a democratic state should be public democracy that characterized most European countries, and which was more or less neutral with respect to the categories of "Western" and "non-Western" type of democracy, which is especially important in terms neopatrimonial former Soviet countries. T...

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