his theory applies to societies that are characterized by division into segments. Segments can be religious, ideological, linguistic, ethnic, national, etc .. character. The main purpose of democracy is public alignment conflicts and creating a system of constraints and balances for a large number of political elites, but the main feature - co elites [5, p. 94]., For the political regime of Ukraine features both democratic and undemocratic regimes. Our state has two possible ways of development: towards democratic reforms or usurpation power and controlling powers over the people. Unsettled and unpredictable today remains the question: what is the way Ukraine will choose for themselves?
, analyzing the history of studies of the political regime, examining approaches to understanding, considered the advantages and disadvantages of different types of state regimes can be concluded that the political regime - is the way the political system of society, determining the nature of political life in the country, a system of techniques, methods, techniques of political power in society. The origins of the study of the political regime date back to ancient Greece and are associated with the name of Aristotle.impetus for further study were bourgeois revolution and the overthrow of the old feudal order. By this time, researchers should include Montesquieu C., A. de Tocqueville and others. Pluralism of opinions and views led to the formation of two common approaches to understanding the political regime: institutional (political and legal) and sociological. However, some approaches advocated as Leyphart A., E. Shylz and others. Among local researchers of the topic you want to pay tribute to A. Garau, V. Horbatenko collodions A., P. Kutuev, M. Sazonov, A. Fisun and others. They all agree in opinion that political regimes can be divided into two categories: the democratic and anti-democratic. In democracies are democratic-liberal, democratic, conservative and radical democratic.of the liberal regime too lenient, a radical - for drastic changes, conservative - the defenders of the old, the opponents of change. Among the anti-democratic regimes can be distinguished totalitarian and authoritarian. Totalitarianism - a complete control and strict regulation of the state in all spheres of society, every person by direct armed violence. Authoritarianism - a political regime in which all the fullness of political power concentrated in one person (monarch, dictator) or ruling group, but allowed an opposition, there is some discretion regarding economic, spiritual and other spheres of life. However, one can clearly draw the line and define the political regime of a country clearly democratic or undemocratic. Usually the political regime of the state combines the features of several modes. According to this release and anarchy-democratic (ohlokratychnyy)-clan ol...