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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Навчання культурі спілкування англійською мовою

Реферат Навчання культурі спілкування англійською мовою

(b) (Have) You heard the news?

(Auxiliary verb)

(c) (Do you) Want to know how?

(Auxiliary verb + Pronoun)) A group of formulas, that are used differently in different styles, is a group of commands. Study the following. Formalin and sit down. Won't you please come in? Along! Please, come in, won't you? on! Will you please come in? on! Will you please follow me? you go! Will you come this way, sir?) Unlike a question, a statement does not demand a response. But in conversation we often make a response to a statement in order to express interest, surprise (eg Oh? Realty? Indeed?), Pleasure, approval (eg Good), regret, concern (eg Oh, clear!), Hesitation (the so-called В«silence/hesitation-fillersВ»-or В«conversational tagsВ»: Well; Let me see) від simply to show the speaker that we are still listening (Oh; Oh, yes; Mm? I see). They are widely used in oral communication and not restricted to any Style, eg

Would you kindly tell me the way to the Royal Hotel?

Well, well now, yes, the Royal? The Royal? Let me see. Just a moment. Oh, yes: first turning to the right and third to the left.) Informal style is characterized by a fairly extensive use of В«clippedВ» words, eg prof (professor), lab (laboratory), bike (bicycle), exam (examination), doc (doctor), ad (advertisement), tech (Technical college), etc.

(e) To express regret or apology the following phrases may be used :: Formal: 'm sorry I'm late.I am very sorry.' s (That's) OKI am sorry I am late. 't worry. Excuse me for being late. 's all right.I regret that I was unable to ... I forgot to come/write/tell you. (Formal written) 's quite all right.' S all right. I quite understand. p> Think nothing of it.

(2) Після інформації (правила), що стосується того чи іншого мовного явища, слід група рецептивних вправ, при виконанні яких від учнів потрібно визначити значення, стилістичне забарвлення або ж стилістичну адекватність використаних одиниць в контексті.

Завдання. Прочитайте наступні діалоги. Що висловлюють виділені курсивом В«conversational tagsВ»? p> A: I've just had a phone call from the travel agent.: Yes?: ... you know those plane tickets to Sydney you ordered for next Thursday ...: Mm?: Well, he says they are now ready to be collected ...: Good.: ... but unfortunately, he says, there's been a mistake ...: Oh, dear.: Yes, apparently the plane doesn't arrive in Australia until 9 am or Wednesday.

B: I see.

Завдання. Прочитайте діалоги, зверніть у...

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