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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Intensification of learning a foreign language using computer technology

Реферат Intensification of learning a foreign language using computer technology

ect «What a wonderful world!»

As we have already mentioned, our project consists of 10 lessons according to technology of the usage of method of projects during the process of teaching English.lessons, we use such programs as Microsoft Power Point, Paint, Exсel and Word.

Microsoft Power Point is used for demonstration of grammar material (Future in the Past, Sequence of Tenses, Negative adjective prefixes, Subjunctive Mood of 1-st and 2-nd type ). Also, with the help of this program we make different types such as:

· Dialogue with the screen. The main concept of such work consists in the process when pupils give answers on questions, which are shown on the screen, using lexical and grammatical structures which are in the questions.

· Dialogue with prepared answer. The computer by itself offers a multiple choice of answers and the task of pupils to choose right one.

· Exercises on filling gasps. Computer offers a text or a set of sentences with gasps. Pupils should fill gasps, using tips which are given in the form of Russian words. Pupils need just to translate them in English and use these words in the correct forms. Or, another activity can be offered. For example, there are prepared word and word combinations in English and the task is to fill gasps with them correctly.

· Exercises for control or self-control. Computer offers some words for translation; it offers to correlate 2 lists of words (in Russian and in English), to find their equivalent pairs in the both languages; computer offers to correlate 2 lists of words in order to suit synonyms and antonyms; or it gives a list of English words and definitions them which should be connected [34; 19].

Microsoft Excel allows to make tables and cards for individual filling by pupils or for control of their knowledge.

Microsoft Word is used for many purposes. As a rule, for making cards and illustrative materials.we use Internet-recourses for search of interesting information which touches theme of our project.should be noticed that we don t use a computer during the whole lesson. It takes only 20-25 minutes.lesson includes the following stages:

1. Introduction.

2. The development of phonetic skills of pupils.

. Checking of home task.

. Revision of material studied before, training new material etc. (depends on type of the lesson).

. Home task.

Now, let us to observe the content of our project in details.

Lesson 1

The theme: I ma citizen of the world. Sequences of Tenses.structure:

· Introduction.

The lesson begins with a brief introduction. We greet all pupils and tell them about project. In addition we give some main notion which touch theme of the project, describe briefly the structure of our lessons etc. Then, we come to the theme of 1-st lesson. The theme of the lesson is shown on the 1-st slide.

· The development of phonetic skills of pupils.

In order to continue our work we proceed to another stage. We ask questions about the weather in order to activate speech of pupils. Also it gives us information about linguistic competence and activity level of pupil.

· Checking of home task.

Before we come up to new grammatical and lexical material we need to check pupils home task in order to estimate the level of their preparedness.

· Actualization of knowledge.

First of all we begin to speak about our country, about travelling, Pupils share their ideas about their position in life, about their aims, about their dreams. Pictures which touch this theme appeared on the screen to stimulate speech of pupils. Then we proceed to the quotation of Socrates and after words «He said that he was a citizen not of Athens or Greece, but of the world, we come to grammatical theme« Sequences of tenses ». The title of this theme is shown on the screen. We explain that sequence is the order in which things or events follow one another and if the main clause (sentence) is in the Past simple the verb on the Subordinate Clause will be in one of the Past Sentences. Some examples are shown on the screen of a computer. Then we make a conclusion that if we want to tell somebody about the conversation with another person, we should us...

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