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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Мовна гра. Дж. Оруелл "1984"

Реферат Мовна гра. Дж. Оруелл "1984"

ість живих коренів у мові до мінімуму ".

У даному випадку автор наводить приклади слів, які в новоязі утворилися префіксальним способом, такі як: uncold, pluscold, doublepluscold, а також наводить у приклад наступні приставки: - anter, - post, - up, - down. У свою чергу перекладач за допомогою словотворчих засобів російської мови створює свої приклади: надвзять, довиконати, недододать. p align="justify"> 15. "The second distinguishing mark of Newspeak grammar was its regularity. Subject to a few exceptions which are mentioned below all inflexions followed the same rules. Thus, in all verbs the preterite and the past participle were the same and ended in - ED. The preterite of STEAL was STEALED , the preterite of THINK was THINKED , and so on throughout the language, all such forms as SWAM, GAVE, BROUGHT, SPOKE, TAKEN , etc., being abolished. All plurals were made by adding - S or - ES as the case might be. The plurals OF MAN , OX, LIFE , were MANS, OXES, LIFES . comparison of adjectives was invariably made by adding - ER, - EST (GOOD, GOODER, GOODEST), irregular forms and the MORE, MOST formation being suppressed. The only classes of words that were still allowed to inflect irregularly were the pronouns, the relatives, the demonstrative adjectives, and the auxiliary verbs. All of these followed their ancient usage, except that WHOM had been scrapped as unnecessary, and the SHALL, SHOULD tenses had been dropped, all their uses being covered by WILL and WOULD . There were also certain irregularities in word-formation arising out of the need for rapid and easy speech. A word which was difficult to utter, or was liable to be incorrectly heard, was held to be ipso facto a bad word; occasionally therefore, for the sake of euphony, extra letters were inserted into a word or an archaic formation was retained. But this need made itself felt chiefly in connexion with the B vocabulary. WHY so great an importance was attached to ease of pronunciation will be made clear later in this essay "[12].

"Другою відмітною рисою граматики новомови була її регулярність. Всякого роду особливості в утворенні множини і...

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