other levels: for instance, parallel constructions, as in the fourth example. br/>
Чи не стерти Вже цього тавра [29: 16, II, 14]
Мі малі втіху там одну [29: 16, III, 11]
Водою Леману Шільйон [29: 17, VI, 1]
Я лиш дививсь. Я Марно гриз [29: 17, VII, 20]
Сміявсь над смертю - так цвіте
Веселка в небі - а, протікання [29: 17, VIII, 28-29]
Чи не пам `ятаю - я не жив [29: 17, IX, 2]
In the lines dedicated to the nature, that combination of consonance, alliteration and occasional paronomasia often creates onomatopoeia:
Wash through the bars when winds were high [32: 357, VI, 14] massy waters meet and flow [32: 357, VI, 3] heard the torrents leap and gush [32: 363, XIII, 6]
It is worth to mention, that all the translators noticed this peculiarity and used onomatopoeia when translating scenes of nature.
V. Zhukovs `kyi:
І шум над нашою головою
Струменів, отшібает стіною.
Траплялося - бурею до вікна
Бувала взброшена хвиля,
І бризгов дощ нас окропляв;
Траплялося - вихор бушував, [26: 319, VI, 11-16]
P. Hrabovs `kyi:
Та як там прірва б НЕ ревла [27: 228, VI, 5]
Швіря, зріваючі, вали [27: 228, VI, 12]
Струмці вігукують, рвучі [27: 234, XIII, 9]
M. Kabaliuk:
Гірський Щось шепотів Йому,
Повз нього Теплі води йшлі [29: 18, XIII, 18-19]
There are two lines in Sonnet on Chillon where phonetic effects are very bright and therefore should be paid special attention to : there in thy habitation is the heart [32: 353, sonnet, 3] Freedom's fame finds wings on every wind. [32: 353, sonnet, 8]
Unfortunately, neither of translators managed to reproduce it, as the reproduction of phonetic effects in Sonnet on Chillon is even harder than in The Prisoner of Chillon . Its short form does not allow for the compensation by introducing consonance, or other phonetic means in further lines in the verse, as it was done by translators of the poem. Despite the fact that consonance, which is the most common way of compensation for G. Byron s sound effects, not infrequently lacks strength and power of poet s suggestion in translations, all the translators managed to represent...