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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Особливості перекладу текстів науково-популярного стилю у сфері аудіовізуального перекладу

Реферат Особливості перекладу текстів науково-популярного стилю у сфері аудіовізуального перекладу

gy which at present is - to say the least - muddled. In what now follows, I offer a detailed analysis of the two different types of voice-over translation according to the way it is carried out professionally.over in TV and radiois true that voice-over is used both in TV and radio, as for example in the BBC World Service. In its news or current affairs programmes, what is said by someone whose mother tongue is not English is translated and voiced-over into English, in an attempt to convey the feeling of authenticity of the contents (Luyken et al., 1991: 80) , the voice of the speaker (P? nni ?, 1995: 304), and the accent or regional variation (Fawcett, 1996: 76). As Franco (2001: 290) explains:

... the type of delivery we hear in voice-over translation is an important strategic way of reassuring viewers that what they are being told in their own language is what is being said in the original language, although it is known that what they will be listening to is in fact only a representation of the original discourse.Spain at least, voice-over is a more common mode of audiovisual translation than subtitling, and the leading translation mode when people speaking other languages appear live on TV broadcasts. The programmes range from news and sports to gossip, and even reality shows, and are broadcast on all Spanish TV stations, local as well as national, in Spanish or in any of the other three official languages ??(Basque, Catalan and Galician); on state-owned stations TV3, 24/3; City TV in Catalonia; TV1 or TV2 in Spain: and on privately owned national channels such as Tele 5 and Antena 3.voice-over is used for the translation of an audiovisual programme, two voices are usually heard. We hear one voice in the background (the original speech) and the voice of the translation. When there is a speech or sound bite of President Bush or Tony Blair, the translation is usually heard through voice-over. In some exceptional cases three languages ??can be heard, as is the case when we hear Osama Bin Laden speaking, whilst being translated into English and then into Spanish or Catalan. Cases in which three languages ??can be heard simultaneously are known as pivot translation (Grigaravi? I? Te and Gottlieb, 1999: 46), a field of study that also merits further researchpilation of further data on the number and type of programmes as well as on the times of the broadcasts when voice-over production and post-production are used on TV is another much needed research project. Material of this nature will help us to contextualise and to put into perspective voice-over translation versus the two more popular forms of subtitling and dubbing. It would also provide information that could confirm, or reject, the popular association of voice-over and documentaries. A project of compiling data could prove to be challenging, given the large number of TV channels now on offer in Catalonia and Spain. The city of Barcelona alone has over ten TV stations which broadcast in Catalan plus all the TV stations - digital, satellite and terrestrial - which broadcast to main-land Spain. Still a methodological approach to the compilation of reliable data would be needed for any rigorous analysis with some serious conclusions to be undertaken.for voice-over productiontranslation for voice-over is carried out in the post-production phase, described by Luyken et al. (1991: 80) as narration or revoiced narration, which so far is the mode most widely studied in academic works dedicated to AVT. However, there is an important market for TV and radio programmes with translation undertaken as part of the production process. This second type I refer to as translation for production.post-production translation is the translation of a programme which is a finished product by the time it reaches the translator; it usually comes with a complete dialogue list, eg the BBC s The Human Body (2001). In the case of translation for production, however, the translator has to work with rough, unedited material which will undergo several processes before being broadcast. The material to be translated can be made of interviews or already existing post-production programmes. When the team of journalists working on a programme are planning its contents and format, they may decide to use excerpts from some existing foreign programmes - regardless of the format or genre. It can be a documentary, sports personality interviews, sports events (World Swimming Championship, Formula 1 Racing, European Champions League football matches), or awards ceremonies (Oscars, MTV), all of which can be either live or a repeat.order to develop these programmes the team of journalists, all working within the production department, will either buy a number of minutes of an already existing and edited programme or interview, or produce their own interview. If the first approach is chosen, these excerpts will be incorporated in the main bod...

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