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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Форми і функції повторів у діалогічному дискурсі

Реферат Форми і функції повторів у діалогічному дискурсі

that white man?

201.Do? Why - just look at him, is all./Bradbury/.79.- Is it good?

202.Its damned good./Huxley/.80.- I had been writing.

203.Writing what?/Lawrence/.81.- Just tell myself they arent real?

204.Tell yourself theyre not real and they cant hurt you./Koontz/.82.- But yesterday, Dr. Viteski.

205.Yesterday was my day off./Malouf/.83.- People never can resist those who make them laugh.

206.She never makes me laught./Westley/.84.- There are no longer barbarians to overthrow civilization.

207.We can be our own barbarians./Asimov/.85.- You sell wine you dont even taste?

208.Folks, dont buy it for the taste./Toole/.86.- They are too mobile.

209.Americans love mobility./Koontz/.87.- Its such a rotten part.

210.Actors are rotten, not parts./Huxley/.88.- Are you sure?

211.No, its a little late to be sure./Bradbury/.89.- Will you make me one tomorrow?

212.I will make you one tomorrow./Harris/.90.- Is it coming?

213.Coming, coming./Bradbury/.91.- She likes me.

214.She likes you?/Timeless stories/

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