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Реферат The grammar of contemporary English

того, щоб подивитися на сексапільних студенточок, хоча треба зізнатися, що і для цього теж. "21. сhapter1.р1/.we compare English variant and Russian translation we can see the loss of the word I, but the meaning of the sentence did not lose. We can see this phenomenon not often, because pronouns show us who is a speaker.adverb

"I touched the little cross and inquired what her priest might have to say about our being in bed together."/21.chapter5.р48 /. - Я доторкнувся до маленького хрестика і запитав, як поставився б її духовний батько до того, що ми лежимо в ліжку разом. /22.chapter5.р11 /. p align="justify"> "At the end of the long row of portraits, and just before one turns into the library, stands a glass case. "/ 21.chapter7.р62 /. - Довгий ряд портретів закінчувався скляною вітриною. /22.chapter7.р15/.we compare English variant and Russian translation we can see the loss of the word just before, but the meaning of the sentence was not lost.think that parts of speech in English language sometimes can change their meaning. We found that nouns and verbs often change their meaning. Sometimes nouns can disappear when translated from English into Russian, and the verb becomes an adverb. But numerals never change their meaning. They are staying the same. br/>

5. The analysis of student s knowledge according to the topic "parts of speech" and the mistakes commonly made by students

investigated 2 groups of students. The investigation was focused on mistakes made by students on the topic "parts of speech". The investigation presented the following results.our questionnaire students had to write the correct answer. The first question is "How many parts of speech are there in English language? "4 students consider that in English language there are 9 parts of speech, 3 students consider that in English language there are 8 parts of speech, 2 students could give no answer to this question, and only 1 considers that in English language there are more than 10 parts of speech. There were only 10 students, but they had so different variants.we gave 9 sentences which comprise the words of different parts of speech and students had to identify the parts of speech and write the correct answer. The second question is "I bought a beautiful dress at the mall. ". Nobody was mistaken. Students gave the correct answer to this question. They consider that the word "beautiful" is an adjective.third question is "What did she ask you to do? ". There was one mistake. 9 students gave the correct answer to this question, only one made a mistake, 9 students consider that the word "she" is a pronoun and one student thinks that the word "she" is an adverb.fourth question is "I left my shoes under the kitchen table. "There is no mistake. Students gave the correct answer to this question. They consider that the word "under" is a...

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