lance sheet transactions, and those and other e Div lyayutsya risks of active and passive operations risks.of passive operationsis through passive operations Bank adjusts its D resources for the implementation of active banking operations. To versatile nym operations comconsole p mercial banks include deductions from profits if the formation (increase) in authorized capital with; credit value dits received from other entities; deposit Opera tion. Only the first group forms the passive operations with b governmental ITATION from banks. Obtain bank loans from other legal entities must often for operational liquidity regulation ball n cos issuing banks or unforeseen credits.operations - operations that fundraising businesses and / or individuals in deposits or to On demand of, or on a certain date. Deposits may be urgent, on demand, in the form of savings deposits of individuals, the prices of securities. Passive operations risks associated with possible hindered neniyami active operations in providing resources. Most often it is the risk associated with performance management Assessing the contribution of Dr. Chica (one manufacturer or group «Sister» company tions). For warning Well tion risk for the formation of deposits banks must comply Cams optimal balance between passive and active mi deposit operations, ie contributions enterprises prises to the bank and deposits placed by banks in some others have gih banks, determine the size and liquidity attracted deposited securities to raise the level and quality of mobile, find it advisable tion s minimum ratio of equity and risky assets, and discharge methods Botha calculating the coefficients ent connectedness deposits taking into account features of the bank STAY and guide them when placing a deposit and comrade . of active operations Interest riskactive operations related to the level of so-called interest rate risk, which banks are constantly exposed to in their work.rate risk associated with possible fluctuations in market s Prospect of interest rates. The risk to the bank may, for example, be in the next e following. Issuing, say, a loan, the bank may be at a disadvantage if an increase in market interest rates, as it will be forced to pay higher interest on de n positive and pur nym resources, which most directly affect the amount of n beam profits . riskrisk is the probability of loss on certain types of securities, as well as all categories of loans. Portfolio risk Subpart I are financial, liquidity risks, the system cal and nesist e matic.risks can be defined as follows: the more leveraged banks are joint stock companies, enterprises, including joint banks, the higher the risk for their shareholders, founders. At the same sp e mja borrowed funds are an important and lucrative source of funding, since the cup all of cheaper than the production and sale of additional shooting Jay securities. According to the accepted standards for borrowers corresponding ratio between equity and debt - the debt ratio (Kd) - varies within 0.2-0.3. This risk is closely associated with the risk of the lever (L e veredzha - leverage), which depends on the ratio of capital invested in securities with fixed income Rowan, non-fixed-income and total volume of fixed and working capital. The level of this risk is measured using the following formula in the forms:
: ROA - return on assets, ie level of efficiency using transformation...