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Реферат Methods of teaching English language

s a spreadsheet, which in turn is a sign of the next principle.

The principle of accessibility is manifested primarily in the fact that in constructing the course of design methodology considered relevant to student issues and concerns.

The principle of activity in the project methodology is based not only on the outside of the activity (active speech), but also on the activity inside that manifests itself when working on projects, developing the creative potential of students and based on previously studied material. In the design method the principle of activity is playing a leading role.

The principle of communicative, providing a contact not only with the teacher, but also the communication within the groups during project preparation, as well as with teachers of other groups, if any. The design methodology is based on a high communicative, expression involves students of their own opinions, feelings, and active involvement in real work, take personal responsibility for progress in learning.

The principle of systematic is relevant to this method, not only because all the material is divided into topics and subtopics, but also because the technique is based on the cyclical organization of educational process: each set of cycles is calculated for a certain number of hours. Separate cycle is considered as a complete self-training period, aimed at addressing specific challenges in achieving the common goal of learning English.

The principle of autonomy also plays a very important role in the design methodology. To prove this, we must consider the essence of the concept project. The project is a self-planned and implemented by the trainees work, in which verbal communication is woven into the intellectual - emotional context of other activities (games travel, etc.). The novelty of that approach is that trainees are given the opportunity by the design content of communications, ranging from first class. Each project is related to a specific topic and is developed within a certain time. Work on the project is combined with the creation of a strong language base. And as the project work is carried out either by itself or in a group with the other trainees, we can talk about the principle of autonomy, as one of the fundamental.principles of design methods are closely interrelated and very important. This method teaches students to think creatively and independently planning their actions may be solutions to the challenges ahead, but the principles that underpin this method, make it possible training for any age cohort.proceed to the following method of teaching English language. This is an intensive method.

The principle of collective interaction, which is leading in the method of activation, the most famous in the intensive method. This principle relates the objectives of training and education, describes the means, methods and conditions of the educational process. To the educational process, which was based on this principle, characterized by the fact that students interact with others, broadening their knowledge, improve their skills. They relationships optimal interaction and collective relationships are formed, which serve as a condition and means of enhancing the effectiveness of teaching, the success of each of the trainees depends largely on others. Such a system of relations existing in the school team, revealing and actualized in the individual the best part, contributes significantly to education and improving the individual. This is due to Becoming a positive psychological climate and largely affects the final result. Group education contributes to a more personal socio-psychological stimulus for learning. In addition, increased communication between participants of educational process helps to speed up exchange of information, communication and learning, accelerated development of skills and abilities. From the above we can conclude that the primary means of mastering the subject is communicating with partners in the group.

The principle of learner- centered communication is no less important. It is based on the impact of communication, his character and style for the implementation of rehabilitation and educational purposes. In conversation, each is both impact and exposed. Especially important place here is the knowledge of other people, which is a prerequisite of human communication. is a pivotal feature of collective activities and personality in the team. It is inseparable from the process of cognition. Personality-role communication in English with intensive training - this is not a piece of the educational process and methodical step lesson plans, and the basis of an educational learning process.

The principle role of the Organization of the educational pro...

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