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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Робота з тематичність лексикою на уроках англійської мови

Реферат Робота з тематичність лексикою на уроках англійської мови

* an African animal like a monkey but without a tail (a chimpanzee);

* a large bird that kills other creatures for food (a golden eagle);

* an animal that has a hard skin and a long body without legs and may have a dangerous bite (a snake);

* a very large animal which lives in the sea and usually swims about in a group; it is not a fish but it feeds its young with milk (a dolphin);

* a big reptile with strong teeth (a crocodile);

* a very large bird with long legs, which is black and white and cannot fly (an ostrich);

* an animal with 4 legs which has skin like a snake (a lizard);

* a creature with 8 legs which uses threads from its body to catch insects in a web (a spider);

* a large black insect which usually appears at night and likes kitchen (a cockroach);

* a long thin creature with a soft body without bones or legs (a worm);

* a small insect that lives in large groups (an ant).) guessing the animal according to the description, (cassette) Tapescripts.

. This animal eats leaves, fruit and also insects. It lives in the forest. It plays and eats during the day, and builds a nest in the trees to sleep at night. It can build its nest very quickly. It can run quite fast and can climb trees very well. The mother carries the baby on her stomach or on her back. They look like people, {a chimpanzee)

. This animal lives in houses. It especially likes kitchens. It comes out at night and doesn't like bright lights. It is an insect, (a cockroach)

. This animal is very intelligent. It can swim very well, but isn't a fish. You often see them in the zoos. People train them to do tricks. For example, they can swim backwards, or someone might ride them like a horse in the water. They are very popular with children and they do shows in the zoo. (A dolphin)) guessing the animal according to the students 'descriptions. Group 1 - group 2 .. Group work. Matching the words: train to check trick team pool to grow cliff to lay eggsto their definitions. Group 1: cards with the words; Group 2: cards with the definitions .. Text В«A day with a dolphinВ». Pre-reading activity: looking at the picture try to predict what this text is about, a) reading the text; DAY IN THE LIFE OF JOE TROUNSONTrounson trains dolphins. A typical day starts at 8am. Joe checks that the water is clean and the correct temperature, then prepares the dolphins 'food. Each dolphin eats about 4.5 kg of fish a day. At 10am Joe starts the training. p> 'I usually swim with them for a while before the first show,' says Joe. 'I always give them fish if they are good.' The show the dolphins do a lot of tricks. They jump out ...

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