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У світі тварин
th form Topic: Animals (на матеріалі НМК World Class 2 видавництва Pearson Education):
* to help the students store vocabulary by classification;
* to give a simple description of an animal; ї to practice intensive listening; p>
* to practice reading for specific information;
* to revise and practice Present Simple;
* to develop students 'creative thinking skills .. Warm up. Greeting and guessing the topic of the lesson. There is a list of the proverbs and sayings on the blackboard:
. Every dog ​​has his day. p align="justify">. All cats are grey. p align="justify">. When pigs fly. p align="justify">. A bird may be known by its song. p align="justify">. A little bird told me. p align="justify">. One swallow doesn't make a summer. p align="justify">. A bird in a hand is worth two in the bush. p align="justify">. Let sleeping dog lie. p align="justify">. When the cat is away, the mice will play. p align="justify">. Don't sell the bear's skin before you have caught the bear .. Phonetic drills. Tongue twisters. Repeat many times to improve pronunciation: Travon takes twenty-two and two-third of a second To tie two tired tigers to two tall trees.black cat sat on a mat and ate a fat ratcat catchers can't catch caught cats, blue bluebirds blink.big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood.slippery snails slid slowly seaward.
ІІІ. T: Do you know the animals? p align="justify">) game P1 P2 P3 ... names an animal and either gives a Ukrainian translation of the word or its definition. P2 has to translate the name of the word or to guess the word according to the definition. p align="justify">) guessing the animals.students are divided into two groups. If the group knows the animal, a member of this group rushes to the blackboard and writes the word on the blackboard. The group receives bonus - a happy face - if the word is guessed and the spelling is correct. The more happy faces, the better.) Guessing the sounds (cassette, dictation) ;) guessing the animal according to the definition:
* a large grey animal with a long trunk (an elephant);