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Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

ng words and sentences, many phrasal verbs can be correctly defined or come close enough that the meaning of the text is still understood. Another strategy is to look at the structure of the word. By learning the students try to guess what the word means. Students can also learn «high frequency» vocabulary., how important are phrasal verbs? Well, «Nattinger and DeCarrico (1992) have observed that a significant amount of the English language is made up of lexical phrases, which range from phrasal verbs (two or three words) to longer institutionalized expressions (Lewis, 1993, 1997). Because lexical phrases can often be learned as single units, the authors believe that the following principles apply to them as well as to individual words » (Hunt). Because English is so rife with prepositions and many of these prepositions seem to pop up with verbs, thus making them phrasal verbs, it only makes sense that they should be learned together, especially since on their own, they won «t have the same meaning (Thanasoulas). For example, if you ask someone «What» s up? « If you were to take these words individually, a person not familiar with this word might answer by saying »the sky« because, well, that is what is up, directly above us (assuming you «re outside of course). Used together though, we know that the words »what« s up » mean «how» s it going ». There is really no other way to learn these phrasal verbs since they many times they don »t follow any sort of logical order, at least not anymore. A long time ago these phrases probably made more sense but over time, the original meaning is lost.I mentioned above if we will learn phrasal verbs in context and look at the structure of the words, it will help us to guess the meaning of phrasal verbs.

This table presents how many meanings phrasal verbs have, and their use in everyday live. Here is given an example of phrasal verbs with translation and with sentences which was written down from different kind of literature works.

phrasal verb preposition come

Verbs, with definitions or synonymsExamplesTranslationcome about - to arise, happenHow did this question come about? виникнути, случітьсяcome across - to be understandable, to get acrossThe meaning of his message doesn «t come across. Did her poem come across to you? Бути зрозумілим, дійти до кого-тоcome across something - to find by chanceYesterday I came across an interesting article on vegetarian cooking.наткнуться на (інформацію, статтю) come along - to join someoneI »m going to the park. Would you like to come along? Приєднатися до кого-тоcome back - to returnWe were away on vacation. We came back yesterday.вернутьсяcome by - to drop in / drop byCome by one of these days. заглянути в гостіcome down - 1. to go down; 2. To fall1. She came down the stairs. 2. The tree came down with a loud crash.1. спуститися вниз; 2. Упастьcome down to something - 1. To get to the core of the matter; 2. To go down in status, wealth1. It all comes down to the question of money. 2. I can «t believe he came down to stealing! 1. зводитися до (суті чогось); 2. Докотитися, опуститися до чого-тоcome down with (some illness) - to become illI can »t come to your party; I «m coming down with a cold.заболеть чимось, злягти в постельcome from (some place) - to be from some placeHe comes from a small town in France.бить родом з якогось местаcome in - to enterPle...

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