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Реферат The types of extracurricular work in approach of foreign language

he limits obligatory curriculums.work on foreign language solves such problems: of knowledge, habits and the abilities got at lessons foreign language; of outlook of pupils; of their creative abilities, independence, esthetic tastes; and respect for people of the native land and the country, which language is studied.account of psychology-pedagogical features of training foreign language at different levels is the important factor of successful performance of these problems. The knowledge of properties of the person of this or that age gives the chance to define correctly the maintenance and the form of extracurricular activity on foreign language. [14,431] school pupils aspire to an all-around development of the person, profound mastering of knowledge. At this age the scientific outlook is formed, social activity increases, interest to problems of human mutual relations increases, hobbies become versatile, and the self-appraisal of the abilities decreases. The great value for young men gets dialogue with the contemporaries. Dialogue for them - an integral part of their life, an information channel and an activity kind in which process there is a formation of individual style of behavior of pupils. is necessary to pay attention that in the course of the organization extracurricular work on foreign language it is necessary to consider both psychological features of the person, and psychological features of collective: level of its development, degree of organizational, psychological, intellectual and emotional unity , an orientation of activity of collective on relations between its members, an emotional condition of a class during performance of problems on extracurricular work. Knowledge of psychological features of pupils - the necessary precondition of a successful choice of corresponding forms of extracurricular work, definition of the maintenance of these forms, the organizations and carrying out of extracurricular work .the purposes and problems of educational and extracurricular work completely coincide, in the maintenance, the organization and forms of carrying out of last are observed essential Distinctions. The basic differences of extracurricular work: [4,152]

. A voluntary nature of participation of pupils in extracurricular work to work unlike compulsion educational Activity. Pupils solve for themselves a question on participation in those or other kinds of out-of-class work first of all in Conformity with the interests, desires to learn something new to be engaged in language in addition with any definite purposes.

. After-hour character of employment, which it is expressed, first, in absence of strictly fixed regulation, concerning time, a place, the form of their carrying out. The park, a museum hall, a school garden and etc. Secondly, in absence of the strict account of knowledge, skills and abilities, estimations in points can be a work venue. Check of results of extracurricular work is carried out in the form of accounting, concerts, gathering, release of wall newspapers in a foreign language and etc.

. The big independence and initiative pupils in performance of after-hour commissions. Unlike study where the help of the teacher plays the leading part, in extracurricular work pupils show more independence, ingenuities, creativity both in performance, and in the organization of after-hour actions, in a choice of forms of the work which are equitable to interests of separate age groups of pupils, to their propensities.

1.2 Principles of the organization of extracurricular work on the foreign language

of extracurricular work on foreign language - starting positions which define requirements to its maintenance, methods and organizational forms. They answer the purposes and problems of all out-of-classes work on foreign language at school and illustrate an essence of pedagogical activity of the teacher - the organizer of extracurricular work. This leading principle of the organization extracurricular work obliges the teacher in due time to find out Interest of pupils out-of-class work and language, to involve them in their interesting activity during after-hour time and by that to clear in them interest to it. This principle defines the maintenance and the extracurricular work - it should support, deepen and develop interest to a foreign language constantly.basic organizational principles of extracurricular work on foreign language are voluntariness and mass character principles, a principle of the account and development of specific features and interests of pupils, a principle of communication of extracurricular work with [5,117] lessons. voluntariness principle consists that pupils join in extracurricular work at own will. This principle has the feature: the pupil, which itself has defined the participation in this or that kind o...

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