f out-of-class activity, incurs the voluntary obligation to continue studying foreign language that will demand from it additional efforts. The mass character principle provides active participation in out-of-class actions of the greatest quantity of pupils with different level of foreign language skills. The principle of the account and development of specific features and interests of pupils provides the account in a context of activity of pupils of their private experience, interests, desires, bents, outlooks, emotionally-sensual sphere and the status of the person in collective. The principle of communication of extracurricular work with lessons first of all consists in providing unity of the practical, developing and educational purposes of extracurricular employment and lessons. It also provides communication of teaching materials which are used in extracurricular work, with a material of operating methodical complexes on foreign language.work is based on possession of pupils of habits and the abilities got at lessons foreign language, therefore very important there is that pupils most full used these habits and abilities during out-of-class action. At the same time extracurricular work can positively influence educational activity of pupils on a foreign language. VIShepeleva is supplemented with aforementioned principles with principles of integrated approach, enthusiasm and initiative and amateur performance development. [5,118] The integrated approach principle can provide unity and interrelation moral, esthetic, labor and physical training. Out-of-class work should bring up on a foreign language, he sincere citizen who yours faithfully concerns the country and the country which language it studies. This citizen should be fair, decent, understand people with who communicates, to respect and understand foreign language. On out-of-class actions it is necessary to impart to pupils love to fine, to learn to sing songs, to listen and understand music, it is good to make out albums, wall newspapers, to produce suits and a different requisite to performances. principle of development of the initiative and amateur performance provides stimulation and development in schoolboys of amateur performance and the initiative in work. In extracurricular work the teacher can give the chance to use independently to pupils the knowledge and abilities, to allow doing everything, as to preparation and carrying out of out-of-class action, were able and imperceptibly supervising over this process. Amateur performance is a basis of creativity, namely the creative satisfaction always assists in work to desire to work better, to know a foreign language more absolutely. The initiative can become a vital position of each pupil. It is necessary for teacher to induce the pupils to that they have chosen subjects and forms of extracurricular dialogue.above-named principles supplement each other and in a complex provide purposeful, consecutive, regular and at the same time versatile influence on development of the person.
1.3 Requirements to extracurricular work
Listed above feature and extracurricular works find the reflection in methodical requirements to their maintenance. It is possible to carry the following to such requirements:
. Organic communication of fixed and after-hour work. This communication can be bilateral. Out-of-class work leans against work in a class. Out-of-class employment of foreign language are based, as it is known, on possession of skills and the abilities created at lessons of language, therefore it is important, that pupils used these skills and abilities probably full, at the same time improving and developing them according to foreign language features of after-hour work. Out-of-class work thus can render positive a cart-action on educational activity of pupils on foreign language.hour dialogue in a foreign language of pupils comes nearer in some measure to natural motivated to use it, it can serve important to the motivation so necessary for speech practice and mastering by language. The fullest realization of this methodical requirement is possible at observance of some conditions.
. Compulsion in performance pupils were taken by them on itself of out-of-class commissions in appropriate work kinds (for example, in mugs, mass actions). Without it performance next the third requirement is impossible.
. Purposefulness and a regularity out-of-class studies according to features of kinds of after-hour work: weekly, daily, monthly, once in half-year, year (see about it further).
. Mass coverage of pupils by different kinds of extracurricular works is one of means of its strengthening foreign language on pupils [2].