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Реферат Genre of fantasy in novel Joanne Rowling &Harry Potter&

Azkaban was published a year later in the UK on 8 July 1999. Harry Potter and the goblet of fire was published on 8 July 2 000 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix was published in English around the world on June 21, 2003 [. 9 million copies of the sixth book, Harry Potter and the Half blood Prince, released on July 16, 2 005, were sold worldwide in the first 24 hours after its publication. The seventh and final novel, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, was published 21 July 2007. 11 million copies were sold in the first 24 hours after the release of the novel.December 2005, Rowling announced on its website that 2 006 will be the year that will be written the last book in the series of Harry Potter raquo ;. The book was completed at the Balmoral hotel in Edinburgh, where the author left a message on the back of the bust of Hermes: J .. K. Rowling finished writing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in room 552 11 January 2007" . [11]

3. Analysis and short the plot series of novels J. Rowling" Harry Potter

The action takes place in the world, is largely similar to the real, in England, in the 1990s. Unlike the real world into the world of Harry Potter among ordinary people live wizards who have the ability to use magic. Ordinary people (Muggles call them wizards) do not know about the existence of wizards, as the latter carefully masked. Community magicians closed and self-sufficient, living among muggles, but does not depend on them, and trying not to touch.of Harry Potter begins with celebration in the magical world - the death of Lord Volan - de - Mort (Lord Voldemort), a powerful dark wizard. After the murder of James and Lily Potter, Volan - de - Mort tried to kill Harry Potter, who was only one year old, but the curse instead ricocheted and that would kill the boy killed Voldemort, and Harry on the forehead left a scar in the form of lightning. Professor Dumbledore and MakGonnal and Keymaster Rubeus Hargrid leave Harry on the doorstep of his aunt and uncle. meet him again at the age of 11 in a closet under the stairs in his house unfriendly family Mr. and Mrs. Dursley (city Little Whinging, 4 Privet Drive, Surrey). Before us - skinny boy in a shabby, ridiculous clothes, inherited from the older cousin, with bright green eyes and tousled black hair, round glasses and a scar on his forehead in the form of lightning. Harry Potter s life was not a happy uncle, aunt and cousin did not like the boy and otherwise spoiled his life.its 11th anniversary, Harry receives a letter addressed to him from the school of Witchcraft and Wizardry Hogwarts. Later it is revealed that Harry - the magician, the magician with his birth, as held back Vernon and Petunia Dursley. He learns from Hagrid that there is another world - a world of magic, he is very different from the Muggle world, simpletons (ordinary people) .also becomes aware about his parents and their death, before he had been told that Lily and James were killed in a car accident. In fact, they killed dark wizard Lord Volan - de - Mort (One Who Can Not be Called). Harry goes to Hogwarts at the Faculty of brave Gryffindor, at school he learns magic gains loyal friends Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger as well as other Gryffindors and becomes a catcher Gryffindor Quidditch team. He finds new friends and enemies - Malfloy Draco and his comrades. At Hogwarts hero and his friends are waiting for exciting and dangerous adventures, mostly they are all connected with Voldemort. Over 6 years of study at Hogwarts, Harry finds and loses the godfather, falls in love, opposed Him Who Can not be Called and his followers - the Death Eaters.the last book of Harry, Ron and Hermione leave school. Magical world encompasses war with Voldemort, all year guys do their best to destroy it. The book ends with the victory of the Boy Who Survived, and further a happy life heroes. [2, p.3] main theme of the novel serves the theme of struggle between good and evil but the meaning Rowling books, not just this fight, but the struggle against evil within himself, self-identity, which synthesizes in itself all possible measure mental, including evil.ideas are included in the movement of the plot, are the basis of imagery and sense of fullness style, play a significant role in determining the fantastic reality. Christian themes of love and sacrifice are key for all books about Harry Potter. Also, it should be noted humor that gives novels ease of perception. In the books also clearly expressed symbolism, it is particularly important. in the product are not just animals, phenomena, objects, secondary world, but also play Quidditch (Quidditch). Name of the game consists of some letters four goals: (Qu) affle + Blu (d) ger + Blu (d) ger + Sn (itch); maybe there is some connection with the word quiddity raquo ;, ie the essence or real nature of a thing (Eng. E...

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