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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Отчеты по практике » Inspection of malfunctions and damages of the aircraft

Реферат Inspection of malfunctions and damages of the aircraft

lassification of corrosion damage on a given part.

Not: is an initial accurate determination of the type of damage encountered can usually be made by the use of a 10X magnifying glass or an optical micrometer. True crack length determination will generally require some form of Non Destructive Testing such as Eddy Current or Fluorescent penetrants.

Delamination is a separation of the layers of material in a laminate, either local or covering a wide area, that occurs during manufacturing or in service. Fiber-reinforced and composites may delaminate when impacted and not exhibit visible damage.

Disbond is an area within a bonded interface between two adherents in which an adhesion failure or separation has occurred. If the separation is performed deliberately to referred to as a debond. aviation accident is defined as an occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft which takes place between the time any person boards the aircraft with the intention of flight until such time as all such persons have disembarked, in which a person is fatally or seriously injured, the aircraft sustains damage or structural failure or the aircraft is missing or is completely inaccessible. There are different types of aviation accidents: aircraft fires, accidents caused by an air traffic controller error, accidents caused by pilot, accidents involving controlled flight into terrain, aircraft collisions, accidents caused by fog or fuel exhaustion, runway incursionsУН.

Aircraft maintenance checks are periodic inspections that have to be done on all commercial/civil aircraft <# "justify"> Transit check

Transit check - is the simplest form of an aircraft maintenance. It s carried out before every flight.

Daily Check

Daily Check is the everyday check of aircraft performance. It must be done in every 24 hour (sometimes in every 36 hour). Usually this check is carried out at night. p align="justify"> Weekly Check

Weekly Check is done approximately once a week. It can be done at night and day as well. It doesn t require a special room (like hangar). It s carried out every 3-4 hours as usual.

A Check

This is performed approximately every 500 - 800 flight hours. It needs about 20 man-hours and is usually performed overnight at an airport gate. The actual occurrence of this check varies by aircraft type, the cycle count (takeoff and landing is considered an aircraft "cycle"), or the number of hours flown since the last check. The occurrence can be delayed by the airline if certain predetermined conditions are met. p align="justify"> B Check

This is performed approximately every 4-6 months. It needs about 150 man-hours and is usually performed within 1-3 days at an airport hangar. A similar occurrence schedule applies to the B check as to the A check. B checks may be incorporated into successive A checks, ie: A-1 through A-10 complete all the B check items. p align="justify"> C Check

This is performed approximately every 15-21 months or a specific amount of actual Flight Hours (FH) as defined by the manufacturer. This maintenance check is much more extensive than a B Check, as pretty much the whole aircraft is inspected. This check puts the aircraft out of service and until it is completed, the aircraft must not leave the maintenance site. It also requires more space than A and B Checks - usually a hangar at a maintenance base. The time needed to complete such a check is generally 1-2 weeks and the effort involved can require up to 6000 man-hours. The schedule of occurrence has many factors and components as has been described, and thus varies by aircraft category and type. p align="justify"> D Check

This is - by far - the most comprehensive and demanding check for an airplane. It is also known as a Heavy Maintenance Visit (HMV). This check occurs approximately every 5-6 years. It is a check that, more or less, takes the entire airplane apart for inspection and overhaul. Also, if required, the paint may need to be completely removed for further inspection on the fuselage metal skin. Such a check will usually demand around 40.000 man-hours and it can generally take up to 2 months to complete, depending on the aircraft and the number of technicians involved. It also requires the most space of al...

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