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Реферат Diplomatic documents

ctives, subparagraphs, authentic, in accordance with, eliminate, doctrine, condemnable, repugnant, entail as a consequence, in compliance with the fundamental obligations, with a view to promoting understanding, etc.terminology includes terms and words used in the sphere of international law in some special meaning. Here are a few examples of diplomatic vocabulary stock:

accession: formal acceptance of a treaty, international convention, or other agreement between the states;

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary: a diplomatic agent who is the personal representative of the head of one state accredited to the head of another state;

Appointed Ambassador: a diplomatic agent who has been designated by the Head of State as his personal representative, approved by the foreign Head of State to whom he will be accredited and who has taken his oath of office;

article: a clause, item, point or particular in a treaty;

chancery: a term used to designate the office of an Embassy or Legation;

dual accreditation: a person wearing two hats; eg, a Consul in New York who is also a member of the United Nations Mission;

envoy: a diplomatic agent. A special envoy is one designated for a particular purpose, such as the conduct of special negotiations and attendance at coronations, inaugurations, and other state ceremonies to which special importance is attached. The designation is always of a temporary character;

exequaturs: documents that are issued to consuls by the governments to which they are sent, permitting them to carry on their duties;

immunity: exemption of foreign diplomatic agents or representatives from local jurisdiction;

iron curtain: a political, military, and ideological barrier that cuts off and isolates an area, preventing free communication and contact with different - oriented areas;

mission: a general term for a commission, delegation, embassy, ??or legation;

party: a signatory to a diplomatic document;

plenipotentiary: a diplomatic agent, invested with full power or authority to transact business on behalf of his government;

prot? g ?: a native of one country who is, under treaty, protected by another government in whose employ he may be;

visa: in international law, an endorsement made on a passport by the proper officials of a foreign country, denoting that it has been examined and that the holder may enter the country; also a document issued permitting entry into a country for permanent residence. [13, p. 22] the above terms are of Roman origin, which is not surprising if we remember the fact that the primary languages ??of international relations were Latin and French. In diplomatic English there are many borrowings from Latin and French that are not assimilated:

ad hoc committee: a special committee appointed for a specific purpose, to carry out a particular aim;

bona fides: the state of being exactly as claims or appearances indicate;

carriculam vitae: personal history;

casus belli: an event or political occurrence that brings about a declaration of war);

modus vivendi: a temporary agreement between parties pending a settlement of matters in debate;

note verbale: a diplomatic communication prepared in the third person and unsigned;

persona grata (pi., personae gratae): a diplomatic representative acceptable to the government to which he is accredited;

persona non grata: one who is not acceptable;

status quo: the existing circumstances. [10, p. 43] notable feature of the diplomatic vocabulary is its pretentious diction:

adjectives like epoch-making, epic, historic, unforgettable, triumphant, age-old, inevitable, inexorable, veritable used to dignify the sordid processes of international politics;

nouns like realm, throne, chariot, mailed fist, trident, sword, shield, buckler, banner, jackboot, clarion aimed at glorifying war (usually taking on an archaic color);

foreign words and expressions such as cul de sac, ancien regime, deux ex machina, mutatis mutandis, gleichschaltung, Weltanschauung, used to give an air of culture and elegance;

plain and fancy words. [24] use the plain words as: ask, because, before, believes, carry out, cause, come, confidential information, conflicts, consider, explain, give, if, in, inquire, many, much, now, often, on , opinion (of), ...

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