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Реферат Diplomatic documents


and informal styles of English are clear-cut determined. The style of official documents includes the following substyles: language of business documents; language of legal documents; language of diplomacy; language of military documents.expression diplomatic language may express three different meaning. The first sense means the actual language which is used bу diplomatists in their converse ОR correspondence with еасh other. In its second sense it means those technical phrases which have bеcоmе part of ordinary diplomatic vocabulary. And in its third, and most соmmоn, sense it is used to describe that guarded understatement which enables diplomatists and ministers to say sharp things to each other without becoming provocative or impoliteosen problem has appeared to be very urgent, because the interest to the problem of drawing up contracts is not occasional. Obviously, many people are involved in the world of political relationship and they do not communicate with their companions u sing intricate phrases and bookish words. Still, they are obliged to use some formal clich? S which may sound strange to non-political people, but are essential for conducting negotiations. object of the course paper is the style of diplomatic documents.subject is characteristic features of diplomatic documents.aim of the research is to study the style of diplomatic documents.solution of the aim claims for doing away with a number of certain tasks, such as:

. to point out characteristic features of diplomatic documents;

. to describe types of diplomatic documents;

. to analyze lexical, grammatical, syntactical and stylistic peculiarities of diplomatic papers.order to solve these tasks we have used methods of studying and analysis of theoretical literature and practical manuals on the problem, the methods of description, we have characterized peculiarities of diplomatic documents. results of the research can be taken into consideration by students and people studying problems of style in English and functional usage of formal and informal styles.report consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion and references.introduces into the subject matter of the research and includes the actuality, the object, the subject, the aim, tasks and methods of the course paper.first chapter describes in details characteristic features and types of diplomatic documents.second chapter deals with stylistic analysis of two diplomatic documents NATO Treaty and Memorandum of Cooperation. the conclusion we summarize the results of the studied theme.


.1 Characteristic features of diplomatic documents

Diplomatic document is a written text presented or sent by the organs of foreign relation of one state to the organs of foreign relations of another state. [19] documents which are called instruments in diplomatic parlance, are varied - treaties, conventions, agreements, acts, pacts, charters, statutes, protocols, declarations, notes. Each type of documents has its own aim and structure. Instruments may be bilateral, plurilateral (a limited number of parties) and multilateral. [11, p. 16] language is subject to certain general rules determined by international usage and convention. Chancellery protocol, the object of which is to give the recipients of correspondence the marks of distinction which are due them, at the same time respects the relative rank between the sender and addressee. It is established in such a manner as to place the relations between states and their representatives on a basis of equality, respect and reciprocal consideration. It is the duty of representatives to exercise the greatest care in observing these rules.of diplomatic official documents contain a lot of terms and terminological word-combinations. In these texts their main function is not to explain or interpret a certain scientific phenomenon, but to name or concretize a notion or a political problem. Like any specialized sphere of communication, diplomacy has its own stock of special terms, clich? S, specific syntactical patterns and other linguistic peculiarities.general vocabulary of diplomatic English consists almost exclusively of bookish and learned words; the wording of documents is as remote and impersonal as possible. Following are some words of the general vocabulary that are used to dress up simple statements and give an air of scientific impartiality to biased judgments: phenomenon, element, objective, categorical, effective, virtual, basic, primary, promote, constitute, exhibit, exploit , utilize, eliminate, liquidate, communications, appropriate, available, submit, recommendations, principles, obje...

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