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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Лекции » Відкритий урок англійської мови за темою "Environment and you" у 8 класі

Реферат Відкритий урок англійської мови за темою "Environment and you" у 8 класі

t down, the forests ... destroy. p align="justify">. When paper ... recycle, nature ... not damage. p align="justify">. When nature ... not pollute, wild animals ... not hurt. p align="justify">. When animals ... save, nature ... not pollute.you can see ecological problems of our town

Робота в групах по 2 людини. Складання міні проектів. p align="justify"> Now it s high time to discuss and solve some ecological problems, the main topic is Environment . We ve divided into groups of two, that s why you are sitting in such a way. Two speakers will have a conversation about the given topic, while the listener pays attention to their discussion. No one is allowed to take notes. I give you 4-5 minutes. When everyone has quieted down, the listener from each group become a reporter. He or she will tell us the main points of their conversation. At the end we ll make conclusions. Our topics are: Water pollution , Air Pollution < span align = "justify">, The Ozone Hole , The Greenhouse Effect , Acid Rains . /Теми заздалегідь давалися з метою пошукової роботи /., Stop discussing. One by one report your topic and make the conclusion, announce it. . Water Pollution - Our mission. We need to save our water, to keep it clean and healthy so people, plants and animals will always have some to drink. And so fish and other creatures will have a place to live .. Acid Rain - Our mission. It s very important for us to stop making acid rain. One good way to do that is to drive our cars less. Another good way is to save energy. The less energy we use, the less coal those power plants will have to burn .. Air Pollution - Our mission. It s very important for us to clean up our act , and clean up the air we all breathe. Everyone can help keep our air clean and safe. It s even fun! You can plant a tree, ride your bike, and even write a letter to a newspaper .. Greenhouse Effect - Our mission. Everybody can help stop the greenhouse effect by using less energy, protecting and planting tress, and by recycling - so factories don t need to work as hard making things .. The Ozone Hole - Our mission. Scientists are very concerned about the ozone layer, because a lot of it has gone away in just a few years. So it s very important that we learn to do something about it. We can all help to stop the ozone layer from disappearing!

Thank you, well done. (використаний матеріал урок у 9 класі "Захист навколишнього середовища" Бачіашвілі Лії Урановни, <# "justify"> В· rubbish [ r ^ biS] сміття

В· throw away [? r? u? wai] викидати

В· dust bin [d ^ st bin] відро для сміття

В· land fill [lГ¦nd fil] звалище

В· can t use [k? nt ju: z] не може використовуватися

В· necessary [nes? s (?) ri] необхідно

В· cover [k ^ v?] покривати

В· escape [is keip] просочуватися

В· Safe [seif] безпечний

How green are you? much ............. do you and your family ............. every week? When you throw something into your ........ do you know where it goes next? Rubbish from your home is ........... large holes in the ground called ........ sides. After many years often grass ............ the hole but we can t use the land or grow food and we can t belong it because it is ........ Some times ........ from the rubbis...

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