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Реферат My Final Essay on Kant's Critique

be careful (critical) in our thinking.

(5 ) a dogmatic procedure of reason is transcendental thinking of transcendent or immanent without proper verification: that which may create an illusion of knowledge, based on a misuse of abstract logic in the sphere of possible experience, and categories in the sphere of pure ideas. Sophistry without a content.

(6) critical thinking or dialectical rigorous investigation is opposed to mere sophistry and can be compared to the skeptical method in A424. "This method of watching or even occasioning a contest between assertions, not in order to decide it to the advantage of one party or the other, but to investigate whether the object of the dispute is not perhaps a mere mirage ... It is entirely different from skepticism, a principle of artful and scientific ignorance ... "


4. Kant sometimes formulated the central problem of the first Critique this way: "How are synthetic a priori judgments possible?"
Explain what he means by this question. Give examples of the kinds of judgments Kant thinks in need of defense? Explain why he thinks that these examples are neither (i) a posteriori (empirical), nor (ii) analytic.

p> John Locke and many others thought that our knowledge of the real world starts with sense impressions, which are followed by simple ideas and then complex ideas; the analytical knowledge for those was just the matter of words. Hence, any synthetic a priori knowledge would not be possible on that account.

Kant offered another theory of Transcendental Aesthetic where there were two pure intuitions of space and time, necessary for any experience even to begin, because all possible experiences occur in space and in certain sequences (Time). There were also empirical intuitions, "but all our intuition (of the kind) is nothing but the representation of appearance; ... the things that we intuit are not in themselves what we intuit them to be, nor are their relations so constituted in themselves as they appear to us: and if we remove our own subject or even only the subjective constitution of the senses in general, then all constitution, all relation of objects in space and time, indeed space and time themselves would disappear, and as appearances they cannot exist in themselves, but only in us "(A42).

From Kant's point of view there were problems also with the Leibnizian-Wolffian philosophy which "directed all investigations of the nature and origins of our cognitions to an entirely unjust point of view in considering the distinction between sensibility and the intellectual as merely logical, since it is obviously transcendental, and does not concern merely the form of distinctness or indistinctness, but the origin and content, so that through sensibility we do not cognize the constitution of things in themselves merely indistinctly, but rather not at all ... "(B62).

For all empirical cognitions we need immediate intuitions in space and concepts which are built in the frame of time. And still, all those are about mere appearances, the nature of the latter being objective .

Now, Kant felt that it was necessary to defend his foundational judgments about space:


1) Space is not an empirical concept. For in order certain sensations to be related to something outside me (... in another place in space from that in which I find myself) ... not merely as different but as in different places, the representation of space must already be their ground. Thus, the representation of space cannot be obtained from the relations of outer appearances through experience, but this outer experience is itself possible only through this representation. (B38)

2) Space is a necessary representation, a priori , that is the ground of all outer intuitions. One can never represent that there is no space, though one can very well think that there are no objects to be encountered in it ... (A24/B39)

3) Space is not a discursive or as is said, general concept of relations of things in general, but a pure intuition. For first one can only represent a single space, and if one speaks of many spaces, one understands by that only parts of one and the same unique space ... the manifold in it, thus ... rests merely on limitations ... Thus also all geometrical principles, e. g., that in a triangle two sides together are always greater than a third, are never derived from general concepts of line and triangle, but rather are derived from intuition and indeed derived a priori with apodictic certainty (A25).

4) Sp...

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