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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Контрольные работы » Викладання англійської мови в школі

Реферат Викладання англійської мови в школі

ldren study a lot of compulsory subjects. English, Maths and Science are called core subjects. (Основні предмети). If pupils go to grammar schools they will have a good theoretical secondary education. Primary and secondary education are compulsory for all children. After 5 years of secondary education pupils take exams in different subjects, and they get General Certificate of Secondary Education-GCSE (основний свідоцтво про середню освіту). After that students can leave and start working or continue their studies in the same school as before. If they continue (their studies) they have to take further examinations, which are necessary for getting into university or college.

слайд - The school year in English school has three terms: autumn term (September-Christmas), spring term (January-Easter) and summer term (Easter - June). There are holidays after each term. Autumn and spring holidays are about 6 weeks. In addition all schools have a half-term, which lasts a week in the middle of each term. p align="justify"> слайд - School uniform. Each school has its colour of uniform. One of the most element of the uniform is a school tie. p align="justify"> слайд - English marks. There such marks: A (star) - excellent, A - very good, B - good, C - satisfactory, D - poor, E - very poor, F - awful. p align="justify"> слайд - School day. English children go to school 5 days a week. They don t go to school on Saturdays and on Sundays. The school day starts at 9 o clock and finishes between 3 and 4 pm The lunch break usually lasts an hour and a quarter.

слайд - Besides classes there are a lot of extracurricular activities after school.schools offer a wide range of activities (school orchestra, music ensembles, sport competitions). p align="justify"> слайд - P-2: About 7% of children go to the private schools. Parents pay for these schools. The most famous schools are called public schools and they have a long history and traditions. Children of wealthy or aristocratic families often go to the same public schools as their parents and grandparents. The teachers of the private schools pay personal attention to each pupil. Boys and girls don t study at these schools. An example of a private school is Eton. It is the most famous public school. A year at Eton costs & 17000. it is very old and a lot of important people used to be students there.

слайд - Further education. : After secondary school English students can choose colleges or 6 th form colleges. Children go to the colleges of further education to study for more practical diplomas.

3. Обговорення презентації (робота в режимі вчитель - учень). p align="justify"> Answer my questions, please.

- Education in Great Britain is class divided, isn t it?

- Are there any state schools in Great Britain?

How many% of children attend state schools?

Are there any private schools? How are they called? Which school is the most famous? p align="justify"> When do British children begin to go to school? p align="justify"> Who attends the public schools?

What is an important element of a school uniform?

What do you think? Is the British system of education better than ours? (Висловити свою думку). p align="justify"> 4. Навчання читання з витяганням потрібної основної інформації (просмотровое)

Робота з текстом Oxbridge .

10 слайд: Higher education. education begins at 18 and usually lasts for 3 or 4 years. Students go to universities, polytechnics or colleges. The most famous universities are Oxford and Cambridge . the text about the famous universities, please.

- фонетична відпрацювання ЛЄ

- самостійне читання - 5 хв.

читання вголос

виконання завдань (текст додається). p align="justify">. Розвиток навичок і вмінь усного мовлення. p align="justify"> Today we have learned some information about the system of education in Great Britain. Let s discuss some questions about our school, our system of education. the questions, please.


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