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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » The analysis of a condition and regulation of social maintenance of the workers and population in USA

Реферат The analysis of a condition and regulation of social maintenance of the workers and population in USA

ion.and serious enough factor in increase of social security of the workers and population of the capitalist countries became occurrence after termination ( ending) the Second world war 1939-1945. The block of the socialist countries and countries of national democracy united in the Warsaw pact, becoming a rather serious and impressive enough counterbalance to the block of NATO and important factor of maintenance of a high and stable standard of well-being of the working capitalist countries excluding or reducing on a minimum level social intensity in a society (community). On this factor till now by economists do not pay (address) due attention, and, nevertheless, role it (him) in increase of well-being and maintenance of social security of the working capitalist countries was great enough and really by them is quite appreciable. It is necessary thus to mean, that not only is direct the owners of means of manufacture and actual owners of the enterprises, firms, of the companies both other commercial and noncommercial establishments and organizations began to realize necessity both economic feasibility of creation necessary and sufficient for the population and working social guarantees, but also the government officials of the most maximum service statuses and ranks began to understand necessity of creation of system of state security of the workers and pensioners from an arbitrariness of the especially greedy businessmen, businessmen. In mass media and in public consciousness it became obvious, that the maintenance of guarantees of economic safety of the population in national scale not under force to one only to private (individual) capital and requires (demands) all-round support of the state expressing not only in direct financial expenses of the state budget, but also in creation of system of social insurance, and also favorable climate for achievement of civil solidarity of the financially supplied elite layers of a society (community) both needy and socially unprotected population and hired workers.state with the purposes of maintenance of unity of interests of a society (community) compelled to incur hard, but extremely necessary mission of the responsibility for stabilization a socio economic rule (situation) of the citizens and steady growth of their incomes, and also for social integration of all layers of a society (community). For this reason an establishment and estimation of major problems of social maintenance and population, development of the basic directions of his (its) development, according to officially recognized USA by the doctrine of the doctor steel in many the advanced capitalist countries by priority sphere of activity of the state in social area. As a result of realization of this policy (politics) in USA the comprehensively proved and effective socio economic mechanism of state regulation of the economic attitudes (relations) was created legally enough worked, in the field of social maintenance. This...

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