fy"> Гј Tell Words (irregular words, words containing untaught elements, and foreign words)
Гј Strategy Words (words that can be decoded when minimal assistance is provided) [3; 9] ( See Addendum 3 i> ).
В· Teach the meaning of critical, unknown vocabulary words.is related to reading comprehension. If students understand the meaning of critical vocabulary in the passage, their comprehension will be enhanced [3; 13-14]. Gap in word knowledge persists though the elementary years. Moreover, the vocabulary gap between struggling readers and proficient readers grows each year [3, 17]. And Hutchins identify seven reading comprehension strategies:
. activating or building background knowledge;
. using sensory images;
. questioning 4. making predictions and inferences;
. determining main ideas 6. using fix-up options;
. synthesizing [14; 11]. in chorus, reading in groups in imitation of the teacher which is practiced in schools forms. The result is that pupils can sound the text but they cannot read. The teacher should observe the rule "Never read words, phrases, sentences by yourself. Give your pupils a chance to read them. "For instance, in presenting the words and among them those which are read according to the rule the teacher should make once students read these words first. This rule is often violated in school. It is the teacher who first reads a word, a column of words, a sentence, a text and students just repeat after the teacher [17; 182]. p align="center"> 2.1.7 Approaches to Correcting Mistakes
In teaching students to read the teacher must do once best to prevent mistakes. Teachers may however, be certain that in spite of much work done by them, students will make mistakes in reading. The question is who corrects their mistakes, how they should be corrected, when they must be corrected.opinion is that the student who has made a mistake must try to correct it himself/herself. If s/he cannot do it, his/her classmates correct his/her mistake. If they cannot do so the teacher corrects the mistake. The following techniques may be suggested:
. The teacher writes a word (eg, black) on the black board. S/He underlines ck in it and asks the pupil to say what sound these two letters convey. If the student cannot answer the question, the teacher asks some of his/her classmates. They help the student to correct his/her mistake and s/he reads the word.
. One of the students asks: What is the English for "чорний"? If the student repeats the mistake, the "corrector" prono...