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Реферат The British language teaching

l communicative means, developing skills of using foreign language as a tool in cooperation of cultures of modern world.with young language learners in the primary classroom can be both a rewarding and a demanding experience . To make the most of that experience for both learners and teachers we need to be very clear what is we are trying to do. We must try to identify what learning language in school demands from young children and what it can offer them. We should also acknowledge what the implications of those demands and needs are for the teachers.children do not come to the language classroom empty-handed. They bring with them an already well-established set of instincts, skills and characteristics which will help them to learn another language. We need to identify those and make the most of them. For example, children:

- are already very good at interpreting meaning without necessarily understanding the individual words;

- already have great skill in using limited language creatively;

frequently learn indirectly rather than directly;

take great pleasure in finding and creating fun in what they do;

have a ready imagination;

above all take great delight in talking!

2. Children s ability to grasp meaning

young children are able to understand what is being said to them even before they understand the individual words. Intonation, gesture, facial expressions, actions and circumstances all help to tell them the unknown words and phrases probably mean. By understanding the message in this way they start to understand the language. In later life we ​​all maintain this first source of understanding alongside our knowledge of the language itself. It remains a fundamental part of human communication.come to primary school with this ability already highly developed. They continue to use it in all their schoolwork. For example, even thought their mother tongue skills are already well established, they may well find it difficult to follow purely verbal instructions and information. When this happens, or sometimes simply out of laziness or inattention, children will tend to rely on their ability to «read» the general message. We can see this happening most clearly when they get it wrong. More importantly, particularly in terms of language development, their message-interpreting skill is part of the way they learn new words, concepts and expressions in their mother tongue as their language expands to meet the new challenges of school.when children encounter a new language at school, they can on the same skill to help them interpret the new sounds, new words and new structures. We want to support and develop these skills. We ca...

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