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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » The translation of the modal verbs: "may, might, can, could, would, should"

Реферат The translation of the modal verbs: "may, might, can, could, would, should"

alyzes the peculiarities of the usage of Modal Verbs in different style and studies the problem facing the translation in the process of translation of Modal Verbs from English into Russian.results of the aims and tasks set in Introduction are demonstrated in Conclusion.contains 20 sources. The main are:

1. Н.А. Коробіна, Е.А. Корнєєва, М.І. Оссовская, К.А. Гузєєва. Граматика англійської мови: Морфологія і синтаксис

2. І.П. Крилова, Є.М. Гордон Modality in Modern English

3. О.В Угарова, Всі модальні дієслова англійської мови

. Т.А. Комова, Модальні дієслова у мові і мови

In Appendix we can see the tables of the translation and usage of Modal Verbs and other tables.

This work can be used for the further study of Modal Verbs by students atlessons of the Theoretical and Practical Grammar and for the further research.


1.1 The History of Modal Verbs in the Middle English Period

this essay author will analyse the Modal Verbs in Middle English. There are many verbs in English during the period known as Middle English. This essay exhumes two particular kinds of these verbs, called model verbs to distinguish them from non-model or other verbs. Non-model verbs are called main or laxative verbs, and are infected at the end. Model verbs, on the other hand, although they are laxative to begin with in the end they are model verbs.are two principled non-laxative model verbs. These are will, which means shall and is used non-laxatively to show topographical distinctions. Then there is shall, which means will but was not used to show topography, instead for future reference. And then there is the model verb may, who s past tense form is could . This is called an unregular verb, and is not laxative, unlike the others. Another unregular verb was the laxative BE, which meant shall . This verb is so unregular that it was invented by a scholar called Verner in the 5th century BC. It is called the jugular verb. Unfortunately it is impossible to see it in Middle English, because by that time there were no jugulars.laxative verbs start as laxatives, and have laxative meanings. They were also very tense at this period. Although later they got less tense. In the beginning they had ranges of proper meaning. shall for example behaved just like BE, and BE behaved exactly the same as wil...

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