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Реферат The comparative analysis of an education system in Finland and Kazakhstan

able methods and approaches before the school starts, because it will give impulse for child s development and education.if one day I am involved in pre-school or kindergartens environment, I will do my best to awake children s interest to the surrounding world, make them participate in nowadays life, give them voice, ask their opinion and encourage them to find answers to the questions.education is also different in these two countries. The first difference comes from the amount of years in elementary school: in Kazakhstan it is only 4 years, but in Finland it is six. The idea of ​​primary education is the same: there is one class teacher, who teaches all the subjects, but in my country this teacher is free from music, PE, Kazakh or any foreign language. It is difficult to say for sure which system is better, but in my society the beginning of secondary education, or the 5th grade is described for children as they start a new life, where they will have several subject teachers and as a result more duties and responsibilities to do. And you can really see the difference in children s behavior in the 4th grade and then in the 5th one. They try to act as adults.secondary education in Kazakhstan and Finland is quite similar. Here children study more subjects with different teachers. A difference can be seen in the school structures. As a rule there will be one school building for all the age groups. In most cases classrooms for primary education will be located on the first floor, and subject teachers classroom will be on the second, third and forth. It is made with the purpose to avoid children s moving from school to school.high secondary school almost does not differ from the secondary one in Kazakhstan. Those children, who made a choice to continue education at school, will just follow the national curriculum. But the Finnish system here is very different. And this difference goes from the national curriculum (2003). In both countries the curriculums are not detailed, but serve mostly as a guide-book and teachers are free to use different methods and plan their academic year with a goal of students achievements to the curriculum requirements. But in Kazakhstan students do not have an option to study what they want or like, because everybody follows the same programme. While the approach in Finnish society is opposite. Students here will have a personal study plan which they can discuss with teachers and school counselor. The National Core Curriculum for Basic Education (2004) is planned in such a way that students will get basic knowledge of each subject, at least two courses of any subjects are required to be taken. And while having these courses children can make a decision which of them is the most interesting for them and which is n...

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