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Реферат Role plays

tiveness in teaching a foreign language.

Thus, the object of our study is the process of learning a foreign language.

The subject of our study is a role play designed and carried out in the process of teaching foreign languages.

On this basis, we can formulate the following hypothesis: if we use role plays at the classroom, then learning will be more attractive to students, it will contribute to a better mastering of the material, increase learning motivation and cognitive activity of students, basic methods are:

) analysis of scientific and methodological literature

) modeling of lesson plans

) monitor the process of learning

) The synthesis of teaching experience

) analysis of the learning process results

) survey

The structure of the work consists of an introduction, 2 chapters, conclusion, and applications. The introduction has a goal, subject, object, objectives, methods and sources of research. The first part sets out the theoretical aspects of conducting classes in a form of a game. The second part deals with modeling of lesson plans according to the found material. p align="justify"> The application has materials that are required for the exercises, such as texts, tasks, examples.

1. Theoretical basis of a game as a teaching aid

.1 Historic background of game origin

game is a great invention of man, it has its biological, social and spiritual development.

The game has been associated with different types of art Savages played as children, the game consisted of dances, songs, drama and elements of art. Thus, human activities like playing games, constitute a reproduction of the relations between people. [1, c.43] A game is an activity that reconstructs the social relationships between people The concept of "game" has some difference in different gropus of people Thus, for the ancient Greeks, the word "game" meant an action , characteristic of children. The Jews considered a game to be a concept of a laugh and a joke. For The Romans a game meant joy and merriment. Subsequently, all the European languages ​​considered ?? the word "game" as a wide range of activities which bring people joy and pleasure.

The term "game" in different languages ​​?? follows the concepts of jokes and laughter, ease and pleasure , and shows the connection of this process with positive emotions.

What is the reason the appearance of the game? the development of society grows higher, so it becomes more difficult for a child to pr...

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