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Реферат Criminal law

iscuss what they have seen the next day in class. «Sesame Street» is a program that is watched by millions of children around the world. It uses bright colors, fast timing, and humour in order to get children to pay attention. It makes children enjoy learning about the alphabet, reading, and numbers.

Television also exposes children to different people and places. A little girl who had never seen a ballet before watched a famous ballerina on TV. This program got her to decide to become a ballerina herself. TV also increases young people «s understanding of other people» s views of life. Many people feel that «Roots», a program on the history of black people in the United States, is an example of this. Because viewers of this program became emotionally involved with the characters, «Roots» got some people to think more compassionately about the difficulties of black people in the United States.

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· Topics of conversation

· TV units the family by keeping it at home

· TV broads people s horizons by introducing them to new ideas and activities, new people, places, views of life.

· Many educational programs

· TV is a way of entertainment

· TV is one of the chief architects of prosperity

· Participate in different shows (quiz, talk, sport), become famous, win some money

· Find love or relatives

· Buy some products (furniture, accessories, dishes, sport equipment) with the help of adverts

· It is a great wasteland

· TV makes risk of TV bringing a sense of unreality into all our lives

· It drops children s creativity (research)

· Addiction to TV

· Children stop doing traditional childhood activities

· Children may repeat dangerous tricks, which they watch on TV

· It is a passive entertainment

· Influence upon our eyes, vision

· TV causes more friction in family life that leads to quarrels, misunderstandings

· TV teaches how to rob, shoot, poison, how to grow up into an outlaw or gangster

The purpose of state punishment

is the purpose of punishment? One purpose is obviously to rehabilitate the offender, to correct the offender s moral attitudes and anti-social behaviour and to reform him or her, which means to assist the offender to return to normal life as a useful member of the community. Punishment can also be seen as a deterrent because it warns other people of what will happen if they are tempted to break the law and so prevents them from doing so., A third purpose of punishment lies, perhaps, in society s desire for retribution, which basically means revenge. In other words, don t feel like that a wrongdoer should suffer from his misdeeds? The form of punishment should also be considered. On the one hand, some believe that we should make the punishment fit the crime. Those who steal from others should be deprived of their own property to ensure that criminals are left in no doubt that cr...

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