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Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

arning to use phrasal verbs, however, is often problematic and there are many reasons for this. The meaning of a phrasal verb, for example, often bears no relation to the meaning of either the verb or the particle which is used with it. This means that phrasal verbs can be difficult both to understand and to remember. Neither does it help that many phrasal verbs have several meanings, nor that their syntactic behavior is often unpredictable. Phrasal verbs have roots back in the earliest Old English writings, where verbs with short adverbs and prepositions were used in a very literal sense showing mostly the direction, place, or physical orientation of a noun in the sentence, such as in the following example: The boy walked out. (Direction); The boy stood by. (Place); The boy held his hand up. (Physical orientation). Like short adverbs, prepositions also indicated direction, place, or physical orientation; but they also specified a relationship between the verb and an object in the sentence: The thief climbed out the window. (Direction); The painter stood by the house. (Place); Hang it over the fire. (Physical orientation). The centuries, the combinations of verbs with short adverbs and prepositions increased. Their meanings diversified by imperceptible degrees. Eventually, they came to be the most productive means for the creation of new verbs that exists in Modern English. To illustrate this diversification of meaning, below are presented some of the nuances that the short adverb out acquired over several centuries. In the ninth century, it had the literal meaning of moving toward the outside such as in walk out and ride out. But by the fourteenth century, out had added the idea of ??making something audible such as in cry out and call out. By the fifteenth century, it had added the idea of ??bringing something to extinction such as in die out and burn out. By the sixteenth century, it had added the idea of ??apportioning something to everyone such as in pass out and parcel out. And by the nineteenth century, it had acquired the idea of ??removing the contents of something such as in clean out and rinse out. What s more phrasal verbs can have different syntactic patterns. The possible syntactic patterns that accommodate phrasal verbs are varied, but the following five are considered basic: Verb adverb (VA): wash up; Verb adverb object (VAO): take off your hat; Verb object adverb (VOA): take your hat off; Verb preposition object (VPO): work on a project; Verb adverb preposition object (VAPO): come up with a plan.in teaching phrasal verbs happen very often because they are the aspects of English that is not as straightforward to teach as other aspects are. Many teachers avoid or put off teaching phrasal verbs until students are at a higher advanced level.practical value of diploma work is to use phrasal verbs in classroom, to create very good communicative, useful activities with phrasal verbs.the first chapter we will deal with maximizing student s interaction in class. Here are given characteristics by Carl Rogers for creative and effective learning environment. The purpose of this chapter to inform teachers how to make student s talking time more effective. The next is communicative classroom. The purpose of this task to inform teachers for basic principles of communicative classroom. This theme provides the means for teachers to create the conditions in which learning can take place. Our purpose...

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