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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

is to offer guidance, on how this might be achieved. The next theme is how to use English in class. Here we deal with two ways of learning English. The next theme is the communicative activities. Here we can look at what does the word communicative mean? There are some tips for using communicative activities. Here is given ways to create opportunities for simple communication in English lessons. It will help to motivate student in order to build and increase stock of vocabulary.next chapter is devoted to the ways of learning phrasal verbs. Here are given four types of phrasal verbs which will help you to understand and differ them. The next theme is devoted to the ways of teaching phrasal verbs. Here is given some tips for active teaching phrasal verbs. One of the ways of encouraging your students to learn more and make their language expressively colorful. The next theme presents what phrasal verbs are, how many meanings they have, verbs and their use in every day live. A phrasal verb is a combination of a verb and preposition, a verb and an adverb, or a verb with both an adverb and a preposition. The next theme is guessing and explaining the meanings of phrasal verbs «come» and «go». Here are given strategies for better understanding and guessing the meanings of phrasal verbs. Phrasal verbs are devoted for development of vocabulary. The major of this work is to provide stock of vocabulary of a learner and make his or her vocabulary colorful, expressive.idea of ??these chapters is to help to think about issues that have been raised in each theme and also to help to personalize what you have read by relating it to each situation. There is a great opportunity to use them very practical.

Chapter I. Maximizing student s interaction in class

Everyone should remember the characteristics by Carl Rogers for creative and effective learning environment. Be as honestly yourself as you can be. Respect the learners. Work on seeing things from their perspective as well as your own. Encourage a friendly, relaxed learning environment. If there is trusting, positive, supportive rapport amongst the learners and between learners and teacher, and there is a much better chance of useful interaction happening.questions rather than giving explanations. When you want students to discuss something, ask «open» questions (eg. where, what, who, why ...) rather than closed questions (eg; verb-subject questions that require nothing more than yes or no). For example, instead of «Is noise pollution a bad thing?» (Answer=yes or no) you could ask «What do you think about noise pollution? » Allow time for students to listen, think, process their answer and speak. Really listen to what they say. Let what they say really affect that you do next. Work on listening to the person, and the meanings, as well as to the language and the mistakes.thinking time without talking over it. Allow silence. Increase opportunities for student talking time. Use gestures to replace unnecessary teacher talk. Allow students to finish their own sentences. Make use of pairs and groups to maximize opportunities for students to speak. If possible, arrange so that students can see each other (eg; circles, squares and horseshoes rather than parallel rows). Interaction between students rather than only between student and teacher and teacher and student. Get students to ask questions, give e...

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