Теми рефератів
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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Лекции » Shops and shopping

Реферат Shops and shopping

) personal care products

) film developing services

) video rentals

) a discount

) 24/7 work

) a liquor store

) a picture identification card


Open your book on page 259. There is a vocabulary on the topic «Types of shops and department». You were to translate it using your dictionaries at home. You have 1 minute to refresh iteck your understanding of difference between the types of shopping places (department stores, supermarkets, shopping centers, outdoor markets) you are to do exercise 7 on page 259. Look it through and then we ll check it all together. Mind that some the sentences may refer to more than one type of shop.


1) department stores

) supermarkets

) shopping centers

) department stores

) outdoor merkets

) supermarkets

) department stores, shopping centers

) outdoor merkets

) department stores, supermarkets, shopping centers

) outdoor merkets

) supermarketsI want you to explain the difference between:

a) to overcharge and to undercharge ) a shopkeeper and a shop assistant ) shopping and window-shopping ) a wholesaler and a retailer ) a supermarket and a department store ) a counter and a cash desk

Lets play a game. Work in groups of 4-5 people. Name as many things as you can that you can buy in each shop (they are given on the blackboard). Then well compare your lists and find out which team is the winner.

1) fishmongers

2) chemists

) boutique

) department store

) newsagents

) stationary shop

) hardware

) greengrocers

I have prepared for you the crossword «Can You Recognize the Shops»? first person who will do it will get the additional mark for the lesson.

1) In this shop you can choose different sorts of glass containers for wine, cognac, brandy and other beverages.

2) If you dont want spend hours fishing, its better for you to go to this shop.

3) Kiwi, mango, peaches, avocados, parsley, lettuce: where do you go to buy all that?

4) Is your favorite pastime gardening? Then you will find all the tools you may possibly need at this shop.

5) Want to make a birthday cake? Youll find everything (or almost everything!) You need here!

6) Here you can buy sports newspapers for your dad, fashion magazines for your mom and some postcards to send to a friend.

7) If you are eager to read this years # 1 bestseller youd better drop in this shop.

8) Why go hunting? You can buy pork, veal, lamb, beef, mutton and more at this kind of shop.

9) The shop where products that often cause lung cancer are sold.

10) A very large shop.

11) You are planning to spend your Christmas holidays in the Alps skiing? Then go to this shop and get all the necessary gear.

12) You can shop here only if you are of age.

13) If you have a sweet tooth this shop is for you.

14) The shop where you buy medicines, baby products, shampoo, etc.


Read the statement on the blackboard:

«Theres no better way to do the shopping than on the Internet. You dont even have to go out of the house and you can find everything you want in any part of the world. »You agree or disagree? Discuss it with the partner and fill in the table:


Now listen to the Tom and Alice discussing their shopping habits and answer the questions:

? How does each of them prefer to do the shopping?

? What reasons do they give to explain their choice?

? What other pros and cons can you add? Again and note down any useful expressions you hear under the following headings:

? acknowledging an opinion before disagreeing

? disagreeing

? agreeing

? asking for opinionthe expressions you ve noted down make up a dialogue of your own.


You ve got the role-cards. Your task is to ...

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