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Реферат The use of gender with zoonims in English and Uzbek

state short hypotheses of different researchers about an origin and grammatical gender functions.are three basic hypotheses of an origin of a grammatical gender: semantic , morphological and syntactic. Supporters of the semantic concept (IG Gerder, J. Grimm, V. Humboldt, T. Jakobi, etc.) Believe that at the heart of a grammatical gender opposition on a sex lies; the sex sign was translated by ancient Endo-Europeans on subjects of the lifeless nature. Thus all big, fast, active concerns a masculine gender, all small, quiet, passive - to female, and all artificial and collective - to an average.of the morphological concept treat gender as a formal category.of the syntactic concept of G. Shteyntal, J. Fyodor, V.V. Joffe believe that the gender is possible only in such languages ​​in which there is such syntactic link, as the coordination. If in language the noun has gender category this category also the adjective necessarily has.Old En glish language gender was expressed morphologically, therefore expression of syntactic links between words by means of their coordination in a gender was its appointment except morphological classification of a noun. And in modern English language morphological indicators of a category of gender have appeared basically lost, therefore value of gender in English language is translationred: a) a lexical word meaning: a masculine gender -man, boy ; a feminine gender- woman , girl ; a neutral gender- table, house ; b) personal pronouns- he, she, it ; c) in structure of a word by means of suffixes- ess , - ine, - er: an actress , and heroine , a widower , a tigress ; d) compound nouns: and woman-doctor ; a he-wolf - a she-wolf . modern English language of a word are classified «by the nature of» through those subjects with which they correspond. Formally it is expressed, first of all, in a choice of various personal pronouns. This choice basically is based on an animate-inanimateness sign. Unlike Uzbek where usually animated names cannot correspond with a neutral gender, in English language there is a whole class of the nouns designating animals, birds and other beings which corresponds with a common gender and has a pronoun < u> it .

The gender as actually grammat...

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