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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » The use of gender with zoonims in English and Uzbek

Реферат The use of gender with zoonims in English and Uzbek

ical category acting in the purest kind in Uzbek, in modern English language is absent; the gender as a lexical and grammatical category also has appeared partially lost English language in the course of its historical development. In this connection in modern English language, especially the great value gets a gender natural, that is prospective conformity between comes as a language category and natural or biological division on a sex. Unique appointment of a category of gender in English language is expression of semantic and lexical relations. p align="justify"> Also for research those original kinds of a categorization which are shown in the English literature concerning the words designating animals, birds, insects and other representatives of a class zoonims actual.this it is possible to draw a conclusion , as a patrimonial categorisation of the words designating animals, in these two languages ​​occurs differently: if in Uzbek the words designating animals, correspond with that or other it come depending on the termination in English language zoonimsit is necessary to recognise a patrimonial categorisation any as formal characteristics of an accessory of those or others zoonimsto any gender do not exist.question of correlation of the borrowed names of animals with one of three grammatical genders in Uzbek is actual. Such words as a zebra , the kangaroo or the koala obtain a certain grammatical gender in compliance with grammatical rules of Uzbek, thus it is difficult enough to tell, the word of a kangaroo concerns what gender. In this case, obviously, a main role the context in which this word will appear will play.

В«As it is known, the question of correlation of names of animals with that or other comes repeatedly rose in the literature, but it was discussed mainly in the general-theoretical plan. For example, R. Kvirk in the university English grammar gives classification of correlation of pronouns of the third party of a singular with zoonims. R. Kvirk notices that names of the higher animals correspond with that or other pronoun ( he or she ), first of all, depending on a gender of an animal and its practical importance for the person as for many animals there are words, both for a designation of the individual of a male , and for a designation of the individual of a female (for example, bull - cow , stallion - mare , tiger - tigress , etc .); And the lowest animals, according to classification of Kvirka...

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