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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Комунікативні особливості текстів листів-звернень англійською мовою

Реферат Комунікативні особливості текстів листів-звернень англійською мовою

e regard this as an application for the position of District Sales Manager that was recently advertised on Monster.com. on the requirements stated in the ad, I believe that I possess a unique mix of experience, knowledge, and skills that can definitely help your company in the critical customer service area. , Skills, and abilities that I can offer your company include:

В· 20 years of experience in the sales and marketing field, 6 of those in sales management;

В· Selling services to commercial, institutional, and consumer markets;

В· A record of consistently meeting or exceeding sales quotas;

В· Extensive team management and team building experience;

В· Excellent grasp of "one to one" customer relationship management concepts and techniques;

В· Ability to work effectively in a dynamic, multi-tasking environment.

The enclosed resume provides more details on the above, as well as on the other experience, skills, and abilities that I possess. am confident that my ability to develop and maintain strong relationships with customers will benefit Mountain Electronics Inc. as it has my previous employers. I believe that my excellent record of success in closing sales, winning back customers from competitors, and increasing market share, clearly demonstrates my proven ability to meet and resolve customer challenges and add to a company's bottom-line. you have reviewed my resume, I would welcome an opportunity to discuss your company's goals and talk to you about the value that I can bring to MEI. Let's talk soon! I haven't heard from you by early December I will contact your office to see if we can set up an appointment at your convenience. p align="justify"> Дискурсний аналіз тексту дозволив скоротити кількість слів, що підлягають аналізу на лексичному рівні. Логічне узагальнення понять, переданих лексичним значенням дало можливість виявити прототипические одиниці (ПЕ) першого рівня в даному листі:

ПЕ - заява, посаду, джерело інформації - В«regard, an application, District Sales Manager, advertised on Monster.comВ»

ПЕ - самовпевненість і самореклама В«I possess, experience, knowledge, skills, definitely help, critical customer service area, my excellent record of successВ»

ПЕ - попередній досвід роботи В«20 years of experience, the sales and marketing fieldВ»

ПЕ - навички в сфері продажів, менеджмент по роботі з клієнтами В«selling services, exceeding sales quotas, customer relationship managementВ»

ПЕ - здатність до ефективної роботи, впевненість В«abi...

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