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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » The use of gender with zoonims in English and Uzbek

Реферат The use of gender with zoonims in English and Uzbek

, correspond with a neutral gender pronoun ( it ). However this classification has the generalized character and does not reflect the valid correlation by authors of literary fairy tales of personal pronouns with certain names of animals.is necessary to notice that in English language the same animal can correspond both with a feminine gender pronoun, and with a masculine gender pronoun, and this choice or completely depends from intuition the author, or is dictated by tradition and the norm accepted in fantastic products В». that a grammatical gender often does not coincide with natural (ie with a sex), many scientists recognize that the form, (and also the object origin, carried out function if it is a question of the representative of fauna, an occupation, affinity speaking to the nature, its feature or its temperament and other factors), instead of value is a determinative in a considered problem that, however, is not relevant for modern English language.for indirect instructions of a sex of an animal in English language there was variety of receptions. So, for example, wishing to let know that the given animal is a he-cat , instead of a she-cat , the Englishman will tell he-cat or tom-cat and if it will be a question of she -cat , will be told she-cat or pussy-cat . The English word В« sparrow В» is meant В«by a sparrow in generalВ» , without instructions on its sex. If it is necessary to name a sparrow-male , it name В«cocksparrowВ». a patrimonial categorization of zoonims in English language very important role is played by stereotypes as correlation of any word with social comes occurs on the basis of stereotypic classification. Stereotyping is connected with J. Grimma's mentioned concept that all active and strong is a male sign, and all weak and passive is the characteristic for all female.existing tradition in English folklore, poetry and fairy tales of the name of animals are comprehended, if there is a necessity in man's or a feminine gender. That in Uzbek the gender category is purely grammatical category, while translating often or the gender of an animal (if the translator does not manage to find an equivalent in В«the necessaryВ» gender) varies that sometimes conducts to loss of certain sense, or the gender remains same, as well as in the original text...

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