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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые обзорные » Функціонування лексичних і фразеологічних одиниць, вербалізується соматичний образ людини

Реферат Функціонування лексичних і фразеологічних одиниць, вербалізується соматичний образ людини

leave in hands < + lend a hand + lend a hand with < + life is in hands < + lift a hand < + live from hand to mouth < + live hand to mouth < + Many hands make light work << idioms.thefreedictionary.com/Many + hands + make + light + work> + not lift a finger < + off hands << idioms.thefreedictionary.com/off + hands> + old hand < + on hand < + on one hand < + on the one hand < + on the one hand ... on the other hand + on the other hand + One hand for oneself and one for the ship + out of hand + out of hands + overplay hand + pass in + play into hands + play into the hands of + put hand in pocket + put hand on heart + put hand to the plow + put hand up + put hands on + putty in hands + raise hand against + reject out of hand + right-hand man + rule with a rod of iron + run fingers through hair + second hand + shake hand + shake hands + show hand + show of hands + sit on hands + sit on its hands + sleight of hand + take a hand in + take hands off + take in hand + take into own hands + take life in hands + take matters into own hands + take off hands + take the law into own hands + the dead hand of + The devil finds work for idle hands + The hand that rocks the cradle + The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world + the left hand doesn't know what the right + hand is doing + the matter in hand + throw hands up + throw hands up in horror + throw in hand + throw up hands + tie hands + Time hangs heavy on hands + time on hands + tip hand + try hand + try hand at + turn hand to + upper hand + wait on hand and foot + wandering hands + wash hands of + well in hand + win hands down + with bare hands + with one hand tied behind back + with own fair hands + work hand in glove with + wring hands + Heada big-head + a cool head + a head of steam + a head start + a price on head + a roof over head + a sword of Damocles hangs over head + able to do blind folded + an old head on young shoulders + be banging head against a brick wall + be hanging over + be head over heels + be in over head + be like a bear with a sore head + be out of head + be right in the head + beat head against the wall + Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion < + bite head off + bother head about + bring to a head + build up a head of steam + bury head in the sand + can't make head nor tail of + can ' t m...

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