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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Banking system and its development in the period of transition to the market

Реферат Banking system and its development in the period of transition to the market

of leasing and SRI l and factoring operations, and barter of Mr. Cleary O transactions. - A method of financing the development of new technology, expand sales of equipment, which is especially important in the period required use of conductivity accelerated introduction of individual elements of the real main cap and Tala, reducing lifecycle tons of goods and etc.is currently considered the operation at risk. P of this expedient implementation lyat losses from him from the reserve fund of the bank.on the shape of relations between entities carried stvlyayuschimi leasing operations, it can be operational, finan cial, return, international. Each of vysheperechis lennyh types of leasing may be a direct or indirect I mym, and renewable term (revolving), clean and l nym. - Payment is mutual between the two banks, regions, economy and unity cal us, the states in which producers ditsya exchange goods without transferring money (currency). The essence of the clearing ha expressed as follows: def f divided for calendar period, usually one year, the amount of bilateral trade used inverting on specific bank accounts tion of various countries on regular trading on Vania special clearing agreement. Exercising clearing, on each side of the exporter receives the amount of exported goods from its first bank. The Bank, for its part, is not waiting for the translation of the bank import tera, debit clearing account and sends a corresponding debit memo sponding bank associated with m and porter./Transactions - is a form of compensation when goods Oplan CHAIRPERSON no money, and goods. Barter transactions may be between brand and Interstate have dedications. Most often barter intercompany transactions are carried out through a variety of intermediaries n.barter transactions, as well as clearing and linked us with price lists, technical credits, in alyutoy for conversion and the cost of goods, but they are not associated with a certain time period, and the duration of ba r istic contracts depends on the quantity and value of goods specified in the district to any concrete price cmax. - a kind of trade and commission operations in which cn e fied com pany credits seller about when they run tons of shipment vara transaction sales, purchasing receivables customers and exacting that it yourself.associated with the specifics of the customer «s bankits core bank - is a commercial enterprise. The basic principle of relations «Bank - Client» is the principle by obtaining bank profits at a lower cost and the principle of minimization of All kinds of risk. The Bank may in fact risk (and he ri will forge every day in their work) their own capital, but not client »s capital and its profits. To minimize the risk the bank should:

* Diversify their customers, leading to diversification fication of all kinds with ka ri, ie its dispersal;

* try to provide loans in the form of smaller amounts of pain to Shem ditional Clieu n Comrade;

* To provide large amounts of clients konsortsionalnoy basis and soone of the ways to classify the bank's clients, with help of the Torah can be reduced level of all types of banks tion risk.of customers in the bank, depending on the belonging to different sectors (industry risk) to the theory of risk before a major sign of belonging to the acceptance of a particular industry is the appointment of manufactured products u s. Distinguish primary enterprise sphere, to which of the pre d worn agricul...

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