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Реферат Methods of teaching English language

). Raquo; , The modifications could be done on a computer using even the simplest paint application. If you create any picture pairs in this way, please send them to us for inclusion on this page.the Resources section for examples.need to make enough copies so that each student will receive either one copy of Version A or one copy of Version B .the students are already familiar with the concept, then you just need to repeat the check questions. But the first time you do this activity, it is helpful to explain the concept using the blackboard: draw two simple pictures with one or two differences and explain that partners will each receive one version. They must not show their pictures to each other, instead they have to talk to each other and circle the n differences. Check:

* Are these pictures the same? (no)

* How many differences are there? (n)

* Can you show your partner? (no)

* What do you do when you find a difference? (circle it) the activity, you can either provide the answers, or elicit the answers from the students, or simply tell the students to put the pictures side by side so that they can check whether the differences they found really exist or not.

3. Comparative characteristics of modern techniques of teaching English

. 1 Features of techniques

mentioned earlier, many modern techniques are communicatively-oriented, and one of their most important aim is to teach communication and ownership of speech means. Each of the techniques uses different tools, methods and principles. That is, each technique has distinctive specific features

. 1.1 Communicative methodvery first specific feature of the communicative method is that the purpose of education is not mastery of a foreign language, but foreign language culture, which includes cognitive, educational, developmental and educational aspect. These aspects include the introduction and study of not only the language and grammar, but also its culture, its relationship with the native culture, as well as the failure of a foreign language, its nature, characteristics, similarities and differences with their own language. They also include the satisfaction of personal cognitive interests trainee in any of its activities. The latter provides an additional motivation to study a foreign language by students, who is not interested.second specific feature of the communicative approach is to capture all aspects of foreign language culture through communication. This communicative method first put forward the proposition that the communication should be taught only through communication that was for modern methods of one of the characteristic features. In the communicative teaching methodology communication serves as teaching, learning, development and education.feature of the proposed concept is the usage of all the functions of the situation. Communicative learning is based on situations which (unlike other teaching schools) are understood as a system of relationships. The main emphasis here is put not to play with the help of visual aids or a verbal description of the fragments of reality, and to create a situation as a system of relationships between the trainees. Discussion on the situation, based on the relationship of trainees, can make learning a foreign language culture as possible natural and close to the conditions of real communication.methodology also includes the acquisition and non-verbal means of communication: such as gestures, facial expressions , posture, distance, which is an additional factor in memorizing vocabulary and any other material.specific feature of the communicative approach is the use of conditional speech exercises, that is, those exercises that are based on full or partial repetition of the remarks of the teacher. As you gain knowledge and skills of the character of conditional speech exercises become increasingly complex, while the need for them does not exhaust yourself when statements trainees do not become self-sufficient and meaningful.

3.1.2 Project methodologyeffectiveness of the project techniques is provided to a greater extent by the intellectual and emotional richness of the education topics. Also we should note their gradual complication. But the distinctive feature is the fact of their concrete. From the outset of training the trainees are expected to participate in meaningful and complex communication, without simplification and primitivism.other distinguishing feature of the project methodology is a particular form of communicative and cognitive organization of students in draft form. That, indeed, appeared the name of the method.project is an independent, implemented by the trainees work, in which verbal communic...

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