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Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

n January 29.? The government came under strong pressure to negotiate with the hijackers, come under fire (= be criticized)? 7V companies have come under fire for the amount of violence on our screens. a come under scrutiny / review etc: to be examined or considered carefully? The new policy came under intense scrutiny.up - come up: to move towards someone or something until you are next to them? She came up and put her arms around him. + To? A lot of people came up to her and started asking questions. come up: if an opportunity comes up, it becomes available? Let me know if you hear of any suitable jobs coming up. ? If you keep on trying, I «m sure something will come up. 1 come up: to be mentioned in a conversation? We »d been going out together for two years before the subject of marriage came up. 1 come up: if a problem comes up, it suddenly appears? It «s been one of those days when problems keep coming up all the time, something» s come up p I «m afraid I» m going to be late home - something «s come up at work. 1 is coming up: to be going to happen soon? Your birthday »s coming up next month, isn't it? ? The Annual Folk Festival is coming up on May 3rd. come up: if the sun or moon comes up, it moves up into the sky where you can see it we got up early to watch the sun come up behind the mountains. Come up: if a plant or seed comes up, it begins to appear above the ground. ? If you plant the seeds now they should come up in about ten days time. 8 come up: if a number comes up in competition, you win something if you have chosen the same number? you ll win about sixty pounds if three of your numbers come up. 9 coming (right) up! Used to tell someone that something they have just ordered will be ready soon? Two Martinis, please. « »Coming up, sir!" Come up against-come up against sth / sb: to have to deal with a problem or difficult person p-Women police officers often complain that they come up against a lot of sexism.

Come up for - 1 come up for sale also come up for auction: to become available to buy? I «d really love to buy that house, if it ever comes up for sale.2 come up for discussion also come up for debate: to be formally discussed? The issue came up for debate in Parliament three days later. 3 come up for sth: to reach the time when something should be dealt with or done? The case came up for review and the men were found innocent. ? In November, one third of the Senate comes up for re-election. come up to - 1 come up to sth: to reach a particular standard, come up to sb »s / sth« s standards? Many of Britain »s beaches do not come up to EC standards, come up to expectations? We loved the island, but the hotel didn «t really come up to our expectations, come up to scratch (= be as good as expected or as something should be)? Over a third of the schools in the survey didn »t come up to scratch. 1 is coming up to sth: to be nearly a particular time or age? It was coming up to two o «clock by the time everyone had left. ? My oldest son »s just coming to sixteen.

Come up with - come up with sth: to think of an idea, plan, or solution? A good leader has to be able to identify problems and come up with solutions. 2 come up with sb / sth: to find a suitable person or thing? we ve advertised several times, but haven't been able to come up with a suitable candidate.

Come upon - come upon sb / sth: to meet some...

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