single, an alleged part-time student-the perfect type to drive such a car. No bumper stickers. No college parking sticker. Not even a faded dealer decal. Ніяких наклейок на бампері. Немає і пропуску на стоянку коледжу. Навіть вицвілої емблеми казіно.Стілістіческіе фігури об'єднання 1) Паралелізм: Maybe he planned to enroll somewhere . Maybe he d dropped out but still liked the notion of referring to himself as a part-time student. He rented a one-bedroom eight blocks from the Biloxi courthouse - they had photo of the apartment building. At first he worked as a waiter in casino on the beach. He rose quickly to the rank of blackjack dealer, but quit after two months. Jury research is on schedule . Trial counsels are ready . All witnesses are prepared, all experts are already in town. She jerked her head toward him , startled, and said , " It rained. " She bit her filter and inhaled fiercely . She didn't want to talk. 2) Полісиндетон: b> The face in the photo was lean and tanned and smiling slightly with lips closed. They listened to his pleasant tone and his professional sales pitch and his charming chatter, and they liked him. < span align = "justify"> After a moment of settling in-adjusting seat cushions and hem lengths and placing purses and paperbacks on the floor-the jurors grew still and