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Реферат Professional sea English language


Types of lightsCharacteristics

Exercise 3. Answer the questions

What types of lights are mentioned in the text? What light shines continuously? What is the characteristic of Fl? What do abbreviations Q and VQ mean? What is the difference between Fl and Oc? Which light has light intervals equal to dark intervals? What is Al? What are group lights? What light is the most conspicuous?

10. What is a fixed light used for?

Exercise 4. Find in the text above the English equivalents for the following words and expressions

Ізофазний вогонь добре видимий (примітний) жердину, шток стовп, жердина постійний вогонь вежа затьмарює вогонь стовп, стійка змінний вогонь морська карта показувати (виставляти) вогонь проблисковий вогонь вогонь Морзе группо-затьмарює вогонь дуже швидкий проблисковий вогонь

Exercise 5. Choose the correct answer

1. A light which is constantly visible.

a flashing light a fixed light an occulting light an isophase light

2. A light which changes its colour is ...

flashing green red alternating

3. A light which has a light and a dark interval of equal durations is ...

constantly invisible isophase occulting leading

4. A light which has a longer light interval and a shorter dark one.

an occulting light an isophase light a fixed light a flashing light

5. The duration of eclipse is longer than that of light.

a flashing light a fixed light an occulting light an isophase light

6. The most conspicuous light by far is ...

a fixed light a flashing light an isophase light an occulting light

Exercise 6. Read andtranslate passages from Pilot Books. Check yourself by finding the corresponding Russian translation

1. K. light is exhibited, at an elevation of 28 feet (8m5), from a black metal structure with a red lantern, 24 feet (7m3) in height, situated on the west ern side of the entrance to the harbour (Lat.51o26 'N , Long.4o00 'E) 2. A white group-flashing light showing two flashes every ten seconds is shown westward from L. point. 3. A light is exhibited on each side of the entrance to Da) Два вогню, розташовані по вер цокали на висоті 20 і 26 футів (6,1 і 7,9 м), встановлені на білій бетонній щоглі з чорними поло самі 16 футів (4, 9 м) висотою, розташованої на краю молу Б. b) Вогонь К. встановлений на висоті 28 футів (8,5 м) на чорні метали чеський конструкції з червоним ліхтарем заввишки 4 фути (7,3 м), р...

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