it is possible to render G. Byron s linguo-stylistical peculiarities on the lexical level.
2.5 Syntax as a style-creating means and its rendering
The most characteristic means of G. Byron s style at this level are syntactic repetitions, parallel constructions, polysyndeton and asyndeton, rhetorical questions and exclamations, and ellipsis.first the different kinds of syntactic repetition will be studied. There are 5 examples of anaphor in The Prisoner of Chillon , one of them encompassing repetition of the beginning of the line thrice:
I've seen it rushing forth in blood, 've seen it on the breaking oceanwith a swoln convulsive motion,' ve seen the sick and ghastly bed
[32: 359, VIII, 16-19]
. Zhukovs `kyi, P. Hrabovs `kyi, and M. Kabaliuk render it in a following way:
Смерть людини ... я бачив, Я бачив збит борцями бачив смерть не раз у боях, Як вояк у битві гинув; В годину смертного кінця; Колі рікою дах текла, Я бачив, як плавець тонулПловець - Пригадую - вмирає, Я бачив, як у глібінь морськуС дошкою, до якої він прільнулЗі смертю п * явся - не здолав; У корчах йшлі Людські тіла, З надією гине своєї; Знав я грішніка, что чах [27: 230, VII, 17-21] У огіднім ліжку смерть, де Гріх [29: 17, VII, 15-19] Я зрів, як здихав лиходій [26: 325, VIII, 19-24]
Due to the demands of rhyme and rhythm, it is hard to adjust words in a way that they create repetition at the beginning of the line, and even to preserve that repetition within the line. As we can see, only M. Kabaliuk succeeded to achieve the repetition of two lines of three; V. Zhukovs `kyi uses three synonyms, managing to place two of them in the anaphoric position; and similar translation belongs to P. Hrabovs `kyi, though he changes I` ve seen for Пригадую < span align = "justify"> in one case of the three. Nevertheless, the syntactic repetition is partly preserved because of the preservation of the general syntactic structure of the lines.G. Byron does not use anaphor often; he does not apply epiphor at all, the same considers frame repetition. What concerns chain repetition, there are two examples of it in Sonnet on Chillon :
For there in thy habitation is the heartheart which love of thee alone can bind; when thy sons to fetters are consign'd-fetters, and the damp vault's dayless gloom
[32: 353, sonnet, 3-6]
As we discussed their reproduction in the previous section, we will not dwell on them again., th...