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Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

one or find something by chance or when you do not expect it? On the second day we came upon the remains of a Roman villa.within - 1 come within seconds / inches etc of doing sth: used to say that someone every nearly does something or something very nearly happens? He came within two percentage points of winning Arizona. ? Afterwards I realized I «d come within seconds of death. 1 come within sight / reach etc: to be close enough to something to see it or reach it, or to be seen or reached. + Of? As Beatty came within sight of his office, he was surprised to see a small group waiting at the door. ? Parts of the city centre were coming within range of heavy artillery.about - 1 I go about sth: to start to do or deal with something in a particular way * Growing herbs is not difficult, providing you go about it in the right way. How do you go about doing sth? (= What is the best way to do something?)? How do I go about finding out about the different courses available? 2 go about your business / work etc: to continue doing your activities or your job in the usual way? Even after last night »s air attack, the people of the town are going about their business as usual. 3 go about doing sth: to do something a lot, especially something that annoys other people? You shouldn «t go about spreading malicious gossip. 4 go about: to dress or behave in a particular way. + In? In the days that followed, Lisa went about in a daze. You can »t go about in shorts and sandals at the office.5 go about sth, go about: to move or travel around a place? She went about the room, putting everything back in its place. 6 go about, go about sth: if a story or piece of information is going about, a lot of people are talking about it? That story «s been going about for weeks now, and it» s absolute rubbish! + That? Rumors have been going about that the couples are planning to get married 7 go about: if an illness is going about, a lot of people are getting it? At least three people are away with flu - there «sa lot of it going about at the moment.about together - go about with sb, go about together: spend a lot of time with someone because you are friends or are having a relationship with them? Didn »t you and Frank use to go about together when you were at university? Go after - 1 go after sb / sth: to follow or chase someone, in order to catch them, attack them, or talk to them? She looked so upset. Do you think I should go after her? 2 go after sth: to try to get something, especially a job or a particular type of business? I «ve decided to go after that job in Ohio. ? Tobacco companies are going after teenage smokers in a big way.against - 1 go against sth: if something goes against an idea, principle, or rule, it seems very different from it, or breaks that rule? Her parents didn »t want her to get a divorce. It went against their religious beliefs, it goes against the grain (= used to say that something is very different from what you would normally do)? It goes against the grain to tell a complete stranger everything about your private life. 2 go against sth / sb: to not do what someone has asked or advised you to do, or to do something different to it. go against sb «s advice / wishes etc? He went against his doctor »s advice and went back to work the following week, go against sb? She never expected her mother to go against her father like that. 3 go against sb: if a court case, decision, vote etc goes against you, y...

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