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Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

ou lose or you do not get the result that you want? Our lawyer had warned us that the case might go against us. Things go against you (= used to say that events happen in a way that is bad for you)? By the end of the 1980s, things started to go against us, and we lost a lot of money.ahead - 1 go ahead: to do something that you have been planning or preparing to do. + With? Last night railway workers looked likely to go ahead with their strike, go ahead and do sth? In the end, the newspaper went ahead and published the story. the go-ahead n if someone gives you the go-ahead to do something, they give you official permission to start doing it? The movie was given the go-ahead and production started in May.

go ahead: to take place, especially in spite of problems or opposition? The match went ahead, despite the terrible weather conditions. ? Mr. Connelly went into hospital, but was told that his operation could not go ahead. 3 go ahead!: A. used to give someone permission to do something? «Do you mind if I smoker» No, go ahead. « b. used to encourage someone to start doing something? Go ahead. Matt, we «re all dying to hear your story. з used to tell someone in a threatening way that you do not care if they do something? »If you don« t get off my land, I »ll take you to court.« »Go ahead." 4 go ahead: to go somewhere before or in front of other people you are with? I »ll go ahead in my car, because I know the way.

Go along - 1go along: to go to a place or an event? they re having a party at Patrick «s house. Do you feel like going along? 2 do sth as you go along: to do something at the same time as you are doing something else, especially because you have not planned or prepared it properly? I »m sure she was making her speech up as she went along. ? You can't just make the rules of the game as you go along! 3be going along: to progress in a particular way? they ve been going out together for six months, and everything seems to be going along quite nicely.

Go along with - go along with sth / sb: to accept someone «s idea or suggestion, especially because it might upset someone or cause trouble if you do not?/Wasn »t very keen on the idea, but I went along with it just to keep everyone happy.round - 1 go around / round: to go to see someone for a short time, especially at the peace where they live?/Think I «ll go round and see Jim on my way home tonight. + To? Marie went around to Bella »s place, to try and persuade her to come to the party. 2 go around / round sth: to move or travel around a place? I spent the morning going around the city taking photographs. 3 go around / round sth, g around / round: to go to a number of different places of the same type, one after the other? Mrs. Taylor went around the shops, ordering what she thought was necessary. + To? We went round to all the clubs, but Des wasn «t in any of them. go around / round doing sth: to say or do something a lot, especially something annoying? You can »t go around accusing people of things like that. go around / round: to dress or behave in a particular way, especially regularly? I can «t see anything without my glasses - 1 might as well go around with my eyes shut. 6 go around / round, go around / round sth: if a story or piece of information is going around, a lot of people are talking about it? I don »t usually pay any attention to the gossip going aro...

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