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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Статьи » Практична розробка іншомовного елективного курсу &Around Sakhalin island& для учнів 9 класів

Реферат Практична розробка іншомовного елективного курсу &Around Sakhalin island& для учнів 9 класів

ems that you walk on the slippery steps of the giant stone foot.cracks cut through the rocks ... The cut of cracks visible white layer of frozen quartz. These layers go on a rock in the sea, and there the waves crush them, grind and grind in their constantly revolving mill, then to throw a milky-white pebbles on the sand black.you get out of the slippery maze dark cave, with relief you peer into the lagoon, spanning in front and a large creek. And then certainly you ll see how it is calm among the black water that's already several years running and can not reach the green pastures of abundant prehistoric petrified mammoth raquo ;. He has a short trunk and big ears. And he was so funny, that never ceases to surprise fantasy wind and water.this lagoon trail curled a high peaked hill, which the tourists called Warlock, because, perhaps, that even in sunny weather for its top must catch at least one cloud. You can see a great variety of velvet and pale purple carnations.

. Frayed by the wind low spruces with stiff needles have firmly rooted back to the rocks and animated scenery.autumn prickly thistles huge outlet will rise hereof course, wherever you are, on whatever path you step, everywhere you will meet a as bearish pipe.is always higher than a man, and even heavy snow in winter is unable to bring it fully. So their curly heads stick on the top of rounded snow drifts till the springthe sea, the exit of the lagoon is covered by the stone called ELEPHANT. Who gave up his trunk ashore, and the immense legs left in the water. And he seems to like it.the south and to the north of cape broad arc of the coast scatter in different directions. Along it are crowded low hills. They may be green, then blue and very pale blue like a mirage depending on the sun light. From afar it seems that all the hills, like twins, are similar. But when you approach closer, or more so you will pass one of them, each is remembered for its unique variety and after a long time does not rest, returning to the thoughts and dreams.patient and resilient will be able to see seals quite close to the shore. You can observe their behavior under natural conditions. But, of course, if you're careful and quiet.

: 00pm - free time to walk along the beach.

: 00pm - 16:00 pm -supper

: 30pm - departure to Yuzhno - Sakhainsk.

Домашнє завдання: підготовка до семінару

Питання до семінару: about Rock Frog and waterfall Aihorhistory of the development of the Rock Frog.words about the route.of conduct.

Методичні коментарі:

Презентація повинна включати в себе матеріал, що дає загальне уявлення про Бухті Тихої, а також барвисті ілюстрації. Необхідно провести організаційний момент: розповісти про правила безпеки, про те, що необхідно взяти з собою, про форму одягу і т.д.

Також рекомендується задіяти батьків учнів. З текстом екскурсії необхідно ознайомитися заздалегідь, щоб адаптувати його для школярів даної вікової групи. Головним завданням вчителя є стежити за дотриманням техніки безпеки під час екскурсії.

Додаток № 11

Система занять для елективного курсу «Around Sakhalin island».

Тема № 3: Водоспад Айхор, гора Жаба

Мета: Формування навичок самостійного пошуку інформації з досліджуваної теми.

Завдання: 1) підготовка питань до семінару

) Розібрати і вивчити матеріал по темі «Водоспад Айхор і гора Жаба»

Форма проведення: Семінар

Відповіді до питань семінару: about Rock Frog and waterfall Aihoris such a legend that once all the animals gathered in the forest to compete - who can jump higher. And And all of them began jumping. Deer, rabbits and other animals that have leaped high forces, but they were all roughly the same level. And the frog jumped, and it turned out that she jumped above them all. Animals were very angry at her and began throwing stones at her. And this frog is still staying there, forever in stone, frozen in a pose jump. is a belief that if you get to this frog, put your hand on her and ask her about anything, it will become true. Sakhalin was inhabited by the Ainu and Nivkhs there lived a shaman. She was intelligent and kind woman. Shaman help people to find happiness, get rid of the disease, but like all the others she has been challenged not long term. When it came an hour, she went a long way. Her final resting place she had found on the remnants Frog, where are still visible trace of her body. They say if you lie on it you even may see the future.

On the way to the frog you can meet a lot of strange and inexplicable, such as a river...

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