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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

Реферат Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with "Come" and "Go"

und at work. + That? There «s been a rumour going round that they» re planning to close the factory. 7enough plenty etc to go around: if there is enough food, drink, work etc to go around, there is enough for everyone to have some? Do you think we «ve got enough pizza to go round? ? Builders are really having a hard time these days - there just isn »t enough work to go around.

8 go around / round, go around / round sth: if an illness is going around, a lot of people are getting it? A particularly unpleasant virus was going around the school.

Go round also go around together - go around / round with sb, go around / round together: to spend a lot of time with someone, for example: because you are friends or are having I a romantic relationship with them; ? There was a gang of about six of us who went round together all the time.

Go at - 1 go at sth: to start to do something or deal with it in a particular way, especially in a determined or energetic way, go at it? The women went at it with tremendous enthusiasm. 2 go at sb: to start to fight, attack, or argue with someone? Sophie went at him with a kitchen knife.

Go away - leave a place or a person? Go away and let me get some sleep! ? He pushed the letter under the door and went away, 2 go away: to leave your home in order to spend some time somewhere else. We «re going away to France for a week. ? Dad often had to go away on business. 3 go away: if a problem, pain, or something unpleasant goes away, it disappears? After about an hour, the pain started to go away, sth goes away by itself (-it disappears without anyone doing anything)? Traffic problems won »t just go away by themselves - it's up to us to take action.

Go back - 1go back: to return to a place where you have been before, or to the place where you were until recently? They left Africa in 1962, and they never went back. to? We went back to the hotel for dinner. 2 go back: if something goes back to a time in the past, it started to exist then. + To? Parts of the castle here go back to the twelfth century, sth goes back a long way (= it started a long time ago and has existed for a long time)? they re a very old family - their name goes back a long way. 3 go back, go back sth: to consider or discuss things that happened at a time in the past *? Let «s go back a few million years and look at the time of the dinosaurs. + To? To understand many emotional problems, you often have to go back to the patient »s childhood. 4 you can «t go back also there» s no going hack: used to say that you cannot change your situation back to how it used to be? If we sell the house, there «s no going back. 5go back: if schools or students go back, the schools open and the students start studying again after the holidays? When do the schools go back? * To? The kids go back to school in the first week of September, 6 go back: to be returned to the place where something was bought or borrowed from? Don »t forget the car has to go back tomorrow - we only hired it for a week. 7 go back:

to start working again after a strike? The miners say they won «t go back unless they get more money. 8 go back a long way: if two people go back a long way, they have known each other for a long time? Annie and Richard go back a long way - at least fifteen years. 9 the cloc...

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